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More than Nine Lessons and Carols: A Life of Eric Milner-White, 1884–1963
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A biographical study of Eric Milner-White DSO 1884‒1963, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge 1918‒41 and Dean of York 1941‒63, Anglo-Catholic churchman, collector, restorer and aesthete.
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Mother of Invention: Mother Teresa and the Franciscan Servants of Jesus
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The story of an impoverished and illegitimate woman who founded her own unconventional but successful religious community based on pacifism, social justice and a respect for the environment.
Co-stars of the Acts of the Apostles
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Defend Us in Battle: Catholic Chaplains in the British Military
An insight into the ministry of priests who over the centuries and across the world have voluntarily provided Catholic service personnel with the solace of religion far away from home and frequently in danger.
Educating in Faith: A History of the English Catholic Public School
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An examination of the religious, social and political context within which Roman Catholic public schools developed in England from around 1800 and considers their contemporary relevance and character.
India and the End of Empire: Selected Writings of Daniel O’Connor
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This collection of the writings of Daniel O’Connor, edited and introduced by David Jasper, is a treasure trove for all interested in the Church in India in the twentieth century.
Broken Light
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A powerful story of the timeless search for meaning, hope and love, set against the sea-haunted backdrop of Northumbria, drawing on the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of North East England.
Star of the Sea: The Cresswell Chronicles
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A gripping family saga set in Northumberland, Whitby and London in the years 1745–90. The novel brings to life the early industrial history of North East England in the Age of Sail.
Joy and Felicity
Paperback £14.99
What happens when everything you thought you knew about your family turns out to be a lie? As two sisters meet at their dying mother’s bedside, they discover a bond between them that runs far deeper than they imagined. Will the truth about secrets buried in their past finally set them free?
From the blog...

Myth and the Bible – the legacy of Don Cupitt
GUEST BLOG: Can myths be true? Should Christians be more open about acknowledging the mythic nature of certain biblical stories? Would that strengthen or weaken faith communities? Graham Turner, author of Embarrassed, reflects on the role of myth in religious and scientific discourse. It…
Added about a month ago. Read More

A better story
Novelist Jennifer Denning reflects on the experience of writing and publishing Broken Light, her first novel. Five years ago, in a pre-Covid world, I began writing my first novel, Broken Light. I have always loved stories, from being read to by my dad when I was small to writing my own stories …
Added about 7 months ago. Read More

REVIEW: Here’s one to pack in your suitcase
Are you frustrated—even angered sometimes—by the way Christian leaders are portrayed in the media? Discover the perfect antidote in this review of Archdeacon Grantly Walks Again from the Methodist Recorder. Clergy in the media are either anodyne, anaemic, simpering souls who spend t…
Added about 7 months ago. Read More

Craftie sinnes delight
Are Science and Christianity working together to unlock the mysteries of the temporal and spiritual, or are they observing an uneasy truce based on rigid demarcation lines? Paul Cobb, author of The Big Bang and the Holy Trinity, considers this question. In his poem “Man dreame no more of …
Added about 8 months ago. Read More

Anglo-Catholic church planting: an interview with John Wallace
INTERVIEW: In the July 2024 issue of Together magazine, Alan Mordue speaks to John Wallace about his book which discusses the challenges and opportunities of reaching new communities and planting new churches in the Anglo-Catholic tradition. Here is the interview in full. What do you thi…
Added about 8 months ago. Read More

In Memoriam: The (Catholic) Public School
Image: Hugh Llewelyn/Flickr (CC BY-SA) Among those who died in the First World War were many pupils of distinguished Catholic schools whose legacy is still remembered today. Mark Cleary, author of Educating in Faith, considers that legacy. Standing in the nave of the magnificent D…
Added about 10 months ago. Read More