Busking the Gospel: Ordained Ministry in Secular Employment

by and Rosalind Brown (foreword)

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Book Details

Format: Paperback (168 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-155-2

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​​From the earliest days of the Christian Church, there have been deacons and priests who have earned a living and explored their ministry through supporting themselves. However, as the Church is developing fresh initiatives in mission in a fast-changing world, there is a renewed interest in vocations that unite a sacramental ministry with daily life and work—a type of ministry that is characterized by creativity and improvisation.

This book on self-supporting ministry focuses specifically on ordained ministry in secular employment (MSE). The aim is twofold: to undertake an in-depth theological reflection on MSE, and to offer some practical help to enable such clergy (and the Church generally) to grow in the awareness of the creative scope and potential of this ministry in the contemporary world.

​James M. M. Francis is a self-supporting minister in the Diocese of Durham and a non-residentiary canon (emeritus) of Durham Cathedral. He was a university teacher in New Testament Studies. He was Principal of the Durham OLM Course and continues to be involved in ministry training.

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