Anglo-Catholic Church Planting: Can it work?


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Book Details

Format: Paperback (171 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-297-9

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John Wallace discusses church planting in the Anglo-Catholic wing of the Church of England as a piece of Practical Theology, also engaging with areas of missiology and ecclesiology.

He engages extensively with literature around church planting and the tension between the Fresh Expressions agenda, of which church planting is one element, and the traditional role of the historic parish and its church.

The author also looks at specific historical Anglo-Catholic literature in order to make a comparison between Victorian builders of new churches and church planting today. He describes his fieldwork in three church plants, set up by Anglo-Catholic parishes, monthly over a period of 18 months, and detailed descriptions of these plants and his engagement with them are provided together with suggestions for further action.

About the Author

​John Wallace has been involved in churches since childhood. He was lay chair of his deanery synod for over 30 years and of his diocesan synod for over ten years. He has been a churchwarden (twice) so understands the complexity of mission in the Church of England.

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