So We Live, Forever Bidding Farewell: Theology & Assisted Dying


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Book Details

Format: Paperback (130 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-109-5

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In the context of an ageing population and the consequence of many people suffering years of painful terminal illness, a re-evaluation of assisted dying is imperative. John Parratt maintains that the Church’s opposition to assisted dying has been based on secular, rather than theological, arguments.

In this book, John Parratt argues that the debate must be informed by a deeper consideration of what Christian theology means by life, human autonomy, death and the afterlife, pain, and compassion. Throughout the book he seeks to relate the theological perspective to medical, legal, and secular ethical considerations of assisted dying.

John Parratt was formerly Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. He is the author of numerous publications on the interaction of theology with society, culture, and politics.  

A compassionate and skilful examination of what must now be one of the most compelling questions of our time. There are no easy answers. But for me this book sets out clearly and brilliantly the way in which perhaps we should be beginning to think. It would be an invaluable tool for any who have the privilege to be alongside those whose lives are coming to an end.

John Richardson, Bishop of Bedford (1994–2002)

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