Secret Lives (part 1):


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Book Details

Rating: ★★★★★

Format: Paperback (252 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-910519-28-8

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The Gharsias hold a secret which means they can never be safe.

1530: Hernando Gharsia flees Spain with Luis, the traumatised grandson he is determined to raise within the traditions and faith of his ancestors. As he grows up, Luis must learn to navigate French and English society, politics and commerce with utmost discretion. In an historical saga spanning several tumultuous decades, the loyalty of friends is the only refuge from Europe’s religious and political turmoil.

From the vineyards of south-west France to the bustling port of Bridgwater, England, the remarkable story of Luis Gharsia unfolds as one of love, betrayal, resilience, and sacrifice.

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