Broken Light:


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Book Details

Rating: ★★★★★

Format: Paperback (252 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-78959-352-5

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An ancient stained-glass window . . . A medieval manuscript rediscovered after centuries hidden away . . .

It is November 1996. Adam stands bathed in the window’s fractured radiance where Alwin, a novice monk, had stood 1,400 years before him.

As his own world unravels, Adam finds himself inexplicably but irresistibly drawn to the enigmatic Lucy. Does she hold the key to the mystery—and the courage to embrace where it will lead? Alwin must also test the affections of his heart as he accompanies his Abbot, Benedict Biscop, on the perilous journey from seventh-century Jarrow to Rome.

Though separated by over a millennium, their stories become strangely intertwined through the words they share. From the broken but beautiful fragments of art and life, can they begin to piece together the truth that will set them free?

Drawing on the rich spiritual and cultural heritage of North East England, Broken Light is a powerful story of the timeless search for meaning, hope and love, set against the sea-haunted backdrop of Northumbria.

Jennifer Denning was born in 1976 and studied English Literature at York University before training as an English teacher at Cambridge University. She moved to Durham in 1999 for her first teaching job where she met and married her husband John. They live in Durham and have four children.

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