Mostly Durham: Watercolour Paintings and Drawings of Durham and Beyond

by and Michael Sadgrove (foreword)

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Rating: ★★★★

Format: Hardback (colour) (82 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-910519-06-6

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Foreword by Michael Sadgrove, Dean of Durham Cathedral 2003–2015

“Generations of painters have sought new pictorial songs to sing in depicting Durham and its great Cathedral. I was no different in this respect, until I became aware of the infinite variations endowed upon these historic structures by the ever-changing world they inhabit. This book contains some of my songs, but there are many more yet to sing.” S. Fisher

Award-winning artist Stuart Fisher is considered to be one of the most talented painters of architectural landscapes in Northern England. Mostly Durham contains 75 of his beautiful watercolour paintings and drawings from around the historic city of Durham and beyond. 

About the Author

Photograph of Stuart Fisher, Artist and Author

Stuart Fisher was born in Nuneaton, Warwickshire in 1954 and grew up in Peterlee, County Durham, where he showed a prodigious artistic talent at an early age. A career in architecture spanning almost 34 years, routinely interrupting a love of painting, culminated in 2006 with his multi-award-winning design for the Science Learning Centre North East.

Stuart turned professional in 2010 and has regularly exhibited throughout the region, including several solo exhibitions in Durham Cathedral. Stuart was a shortlisted finalist in the prestigious Sunday Times Watercolour Competition in 2013.

Watercolour of Durham Castle - University College - Master's House   Watercolour of the Sanctuary Knocker, Durham Cathedral   Drawing of gondolas moored in Venice

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