At the Foot of the Cross: Reflections for Good Friday


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Book Details

Format: Paperback (88 pages)

Publisher: Sacristy Press

Date of Publication:

ISBN: 978-1-910519-34-9

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I stand in the turmoil, my load laid down
to watch the best and worst of humankind
thronging the narrow street

Good Friday is a deeply agonising, moving, and yet essential part of the Christian calendar. How can we process the events that took place on that dark day? Kevin Carey invites us to reflect on the Stations of the Cross with words that can be used for personal devotion or liturgically, and specially-commissioned images depicting each of the Stations.

KEVIN CAREY is the Chairman of RNIB, the UK’s leading blindness charity, and a Reader in his parish church. He has been a Member of General Synod, and is a chorister, theologian, novelist, and classical music critic.