Church Music
More than Nine Lessons and Carols: A Life of Eric Milner-White, 1884–1963
Hardback (full colour)
A biographical study of Eric Milner-White DSO 1884‒1963, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge 1918‒41 and Dean of York 1941‒63, Anglo-Catholic churchman, collector, restorer and aesthete.
Coming Soon
First Flight Feathers: The Best of Worship Live
Paperback £16.99
A vibrant collection showcasing the of the best of “Worship Live” and the writers and musicians whose work was first published in it.
Using Vintage Hymns in Worship: Hidden Treasures Rediscovered for Today’s Church
Paperback £12.99
Can hymn-singing continue as a flourishing tradition with old and new coexisting comfortably alongside each other? Gillian Warson invites us to see that vintage hymn texts should be lovingly preserved so that they can be enjoyed for generations to come.
Fierce Love: Music Leads a Lost Child Home
Paperback £14.99
Memoir of the musician Adrian Snell, known for ‘The Passion’, ‘The Cry’ and ‘Fierce Love’.
Resounding Body: Building Christlike Church Communities through Music
Paperback £12.99
Combining recent theological reflection with practical advice, Andy Thomas describes how, according to St Paul, individuals and communities are transformed into the body of Christ, and how music-making enables this process.