More than Nine Lessons and Carols: A Life of Eric Milner-White, 1884–1963
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A biographical study of Eric Milner-White DSO 1884‒1963, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge 1918‒41 and Dean of York 1941‒63, Anglo-Catholic churchman, collector, restorer and aesthete.
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Politics & Mission: Rediscovering the Political Power of What Christians Do
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Keeping Time: Time, Liturgy and Christian Discipleship
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Aimed at clergy and laypeople, Keeping Time gives a fresh account of the liturgical year and how it shapes our lives as Christian disciples.
Literature and Devotion in Later Medieval England: A selection of manuscripts from Durham University Library
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Embracing poetic and prose writings on philosophy, contemplation and bibliophily, key service books for the clergy, and devotional texts for the laity, this book explores the interrelated themes of literature and devotion in England from the Black Death to the Reformation as seen through the lens of twenty-six precious manuscripts in Durham University Library.
Knowing Christ: Christian Discipleship and the Eucharist
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Animating Liturgy: The Dynamics of Worship and the Human Community
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Stir Up, O Lord: A Companion to the Collects, Epistles, and Gospels in the Book of Common Prayer
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