And we have a website!

Added about 14 years ago by Sacristy Press

Sacristy Press is delighted to announce the launch of our website. Through it you will be able to keep up to date with our news and latest releases, buy all of our books, and learn all about Sacristy Press. Register to gain even greater benefits by getting free standard shipping across the UK and discounts on shipping worldwide. You will also then be able to receive important updates via e-mail. Alternatively, follow our blog for the latest publication information and news about author appearances.

Although we are proud of our current website, stay tuned for further upgrades and added content. Just a few of the ideas we're kicking about are exclusive author interviews, teasers from a selection of our books, and increased community involvement to bring our books to you. We are also committed to keeping you informed on the go. Why not follow us on Facebook and Twitter for information about Sacristy Press wherever you are?

We are always pleased to receive feedback on our products and website. Please don't hesitate to contact us with questions, comments, or features that you would like added and we will do our best to address them. That address is

Thank you for all of your support. We look forward to providing you with fine books for many years to come. 

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