Durham Book Festival 2016 - author events

Added about 9 years ago by Sacristy Press

Sacristy Press and Durham Cathedral are hosting two “fringe” events as part of the 2016 Durham Book Festival.

Come and quiz our authors and listen to them speak about their writing at two events in the beautiful surroundings of Prior’s Hall at Durham Cathedral. The speakers will be on hand to sign copies of their books too! All proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.

Durham Book Festival   6-17 October 2016        Sacristy Press        Durham Cathedral

From Over the Edge: Breakdown, Depression and the Church

Jon Grogan, David Grieve and Professor Chris Cook
Wednesday 12th October 2016 at 7.00pm

Book Now! via the Gala box office.

Many Christians who suffer from depression and other mental health problems struggle to rationalise their condition with their faith. Jon Grogan (author of From Over the Edge) will discuss how he survived a breakdown with his faith intact, alongside Professor Chris Cook (Durham University) who will contextualise Jon's experiences from the perspective of a clinical psychiatrist, academic and priest.

UPDATE: Chris will also be joined by The Revd David Grieve, who will talk about his experiences of dealing with his own depression whilst ministering to others, and particularly how he wrote poetry as a means of therapy. 

This promises to be of interest to anyone struggling with mental health issues either personally or within their church community, as well as those interested in the theology of mental health, and will ask how the church can provide better support to its members in their darkest moments. 

Jon Grogan is the author of From Over the Edge (Sacristy Press, 2016), and is a lawyer living in Newcastle-upon-Tyne. He is married with two children, and has first hand experience of surviving depression and breakdown.

The Revd David Grieve is a retired priest in the Diocese of Durham, and currently volunteers as a chaplain at Durham Cathedral. He is married to Jane, who is also a priest. Since suffering a breakdown over 25 years ago, David has written poetry and is a published author, mainly on the topics of faith, health and vocation.

Professor Chris Cook is a prominent theologian at Durham University, having formerly worked as a clinical psychiatrist and as Professor of the Psychiatry of Alcohol Misuse at the University of Kent. He is a priest in the Church of England and an Honorary Minor Canon at Durham Cathedral. Chris is the editor of Spirituality, Theology & Mental Health (SCM Press, 2013).

Book Now! via the Gala box office.

The Northern Powerhouse and God: Searching for the Angel of the North

Gavin Wakefield and Guests
Thursday 13th October 2016 at 7.00pm

Book Now! via the Gala box office.

From the monks of Lindisfarne to the Synod of Whitby, the North is historically considered to be a cradle of Christianity in England. But in today's society is there a "gospel for the North"? Gavin Wakefield (author of Northern Gospel, Northern Church) asks if we can or should consider the North of England as a distinct entity with its own particular religious and spiritual identity.

This ongoing project, which was initiated by the Archbishop of York, brings together prominent practitioners and academics to answer these questions and explore what it means to proclaim the gospel in the North of England from many angles: housing estates to ancient cathedrals, Biblical reflection to street evangelism, history to economics.

Gavin will be joined by Su Reid, David Goodhew and Catherine Pickford, all fellow contributors, who will discuss what makes spiritual communities in the north unique, and yet an integral part of a larger nation and Church.

The Revd Dr Gavin Wakefield is Director of Training, Mission and Ministry in the Diocese of York and Director of Mission and Pastoral Studies at Cranmer Hall, Durham University. He has contributed to a number of books, including Holy People, Holy Places (Lion Hudson, 2008) and Northern Gospel, Northern Church (Sacristy Press, 2016).

Book Now! via the Gala box office.

Don’t forget – all proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.

Please note: Sacristy Press does not necessarily share or endorse the views of the guest contributors to this blog.

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