Two events you can’t afford to miss at the Durham Book Festival
Added about 8 years ago by Sacristy Press
Sacristy Press and Durham Cathedral are hosting two events as part of the 2017 Durham Book Festival “fringe”.
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and quiz our authors. For fiction-lovers, novelist David Lowther will be talking about espionage and WWII fiction. Or you can come and join the debate as we discuss whether cathedrals are still relevant. Tickets are just £5 (or £4 for concessions) and all proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.
Both events are in the beautiful medieval surroundings of Prior’s Hall at Durham Cathedral. Tickets are available from Durham Cathedral, either online (use the “Book Now” links below), by phone on 0191 338 7178, or in person at the Visitor Desk at the rear of the cathedral.

Are Cathedrals Still Relevant?
Andrew Tremlett, Nicholas Henshall and guests
Tuesday 10 October 2017 at 7.00pm
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Cathedrals today face an existential crisis. Many people – both within and outside the church – argue that cathedrals are an irrelevance, and most face significant financial pressure. But they are one area of the church’s life that is flourishing, where the unchurched and the half-believer engage with Christianity.
Join Andrew Tremlett (Dean of Durham) and Nicholas Henshall (Dean of Chelmsford) for a lively debate on whether cathedrals are still relevant in an increasingly secular age. Holy Ground, a new collection of essays about cathedrals in the twenty-first century, edited by Stephen Platten, will be launched at the event.
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.

The Thrill of the Chase: Spy Stories in the Twentieth Century
David Lowther
Wednesday 11 October 2017 at 7.00pm
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
World War II novelist David Lowther discusses espionage tales set in the twentieth century and why authors find it such a rich seam for writing. From straightforward stories about spies, through to tales about what motivates people to engage in espionage, David will talk about the different types of spy stories that have influenced him as a writer, including John Buchan’s novels of the First World War, Eric Ambler in the 1930s and, more recently, John le Carré. David’s new novel, The Summer of ’39, will be launched at the event.
David Lowther is the author of three novels set in wartime Britain: The Blue Pencil (2012), Two Families at War (2015) and The Summer of ’39 (2017). He also wrote Liberating Belsen: Remembering the Soldiers of the Durham Light Infantry (2015), an historical account of an event that shocked the nation in 1945.
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Don’t forget – all proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.
Please note: Sacristy Press does not necessarily share or endorse the views of the guest contributors to this blog.