Two unmissable events at Durham Book Festival 2019
Added about 6 years ago by Sacristy Press
Sacristy Press and Durham Cathedral are hosting two events as part of the 2019 Durham Book Festival “fringe”.
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet and quiz our authors. For fiction-lovers, novelist Katharine Tiernan will be talking about her new novel Cuthbert of Farne which is receiving rave reviews. And for history fans, Michael Chandler will be delving into the intriguing lives of Queen Victoria’s Archbishops. Tickets are just £5 (or £4 for concessions) and all proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.
Both events are in the beautiful medieval surroundings of Prior’s Hall at Durham Cathedral. Tickets are available from Durham Cathedral, either online (use the “Book Now” links below), by phone on 0191 338 7178, or in person at the Visitor Desk at the rear of the cathedral.

The Legend of Cuthbert: from hagiography to historical fiction
Katharine Tiernan
Tuesday 8 October 2019 at 7.00pm
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Cuthbert, an Anglo-Saxon warrior turned saint, was dragged out of solitude on Inner Farne to become the most powerful church leader in the land. The stories and legends associated with Cuthbert are familiar in the North East. Novelist Katharine Tiernan, author of Cuthbert of Farne, offers new and intriguing insights into the man behind the legend. She reveals her research into the turbulent times in which Cuthbert lived, and the role of historical fiction in illuminating our understanding of his life.
Katharine Tiernan is a Northumbrian by birth and spent many childhood afternoons on the shores of Lindisfarne. She studied English Literature at York University and worked as a teacher and community artist. By the turn of the millennium, both Katharine and her Australian husband were hankering for the wide-open spaces of the north and moved back to Northumberland. There she wrote her first novel, Place of Repose: A Tale of St Cuthbert’s Last Journey.
Cuthbert of Farne (Sacristy Press, 2019) sees Katharine return to the Anglo-Saxon world of early Christianity. It reflects her interests in literature, spirituality and the inspirational landscape of the north.
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Queen Victoria’s Archbishops
Michael Chandler
Thursday 10 October 2019 at 7.00pm
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Discover the political and ecclesiastical controversies of the nineteenth century through the eyes of Queen Victoria’s six Archbishops of Canterbury. Personal scandal and tragedy abound, with death, bed-sharing, and political bust-ups. Michael Chandler, author of Queen Victoria’s Archbishops of Canterbury, takes us on a whistle-stop tour of these intriguing men and their extraordinary families.
Michael Chandler is an historian and author of several books on the Church of England in the nineteenth century. He is a former Dean of Ely and Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. Queen Victoria’s Archbishops of Canterbury is due to be published by Sacristy Press in October 2019 and will be launched at this talk.
Book Now! via the cathedral box office.
Don’t forget – all proceeds from ticket sales go to our friends at Durham Cathedral.
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