February #ThemeOfTheMonth: Changed by Lockdown?

Added about 2 years ago by Sacristy Press

Back at the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic we were all asking the same questions. When would things return to normal? Would things return to normal? Should things return to normal?

The Church in particular faced difficult questions as attendance (especially among the young) actually rose as services moved online. What post-lockdown future should we be aiming and hoping for? How could all generations be catered to? Three years on, two of our Sacristy authors, John Marsh and Neil Richardson, help us reflect on how we – as individuals, as nations, as churches – have been changed by lockdown and what changes we may have missed out on.

John Marsh is a retired Church of England priest and has been involved in the life and ministry of the Church in a variety of different and contrasting environments. His recent book, Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land expolres the idea of the Covid pandemic as our generation’s exile. Asking, have we emerged with a fresh understanding of our faith, new ways of being and doing church, a reinvigorated commitment to the mission task?

John Marsh has faithfully and fruitfully served the church in the North of England for many years. Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land contains much distilled wisdom and helpful challenge as we journey with Christ into culturally new terrains, proclaiming the faith afresh in each generation.

Matthew Porter, Vicar of St. Michael-le-Belfry, York

John Marsh


Neil Richardson was Tutor In New Testament Studies and later Principal of Wesley College Bristol. As British Methodist President in 2003, he co-signed with Archbishop Rowan Williams the Anglican Methodist Covenant for unity. In his recent book Waking Up to God Neil encourages us to explore the practical outworking of a fresh, post-pandemic look at Christianity and the impact it should have on how the Church and individual Christians exist in the world.

Neil Richardson

Keep your eye on our blog and social media through out the month to see what these three authors have to say on our #ThemeOfTheMonth: Changed by Lockdown? and pick up your copies of their books here.

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