Sacristy Press Blog

The Beauty of the Hebrew Scriptures

GUEST BLOG: #BookOfTheMonth author Anthony Phillips delves into the riches of the Old Testament. If I have learnt anything in my eighty-plus years, it is that God is a God of surprise. I left sch…

Added about 5 years ago.

March #BookOfTheMonth: God B.C.

Our March #BookOfTheMonth, God B.C., makes for perfect Lenten reading. “A classic of biblical interpretation” Rowan Williams, former Archbishop of Canterbury &ldquo…

Added about 5 years ago.

St Cuthbert’s Last Journey

GUEST BLOG: It is gone eight o’clock on the least-light day of late December, the winter solstice. Katharine Tiernan is standing on the whinstone ridge above Holy Island harbour, waitin…

Added about 5 years ago.

A Busy Retirement

GUEST BLOG: As we continue to look at what ‘retirement’ really means for clergy, Tony Neal adds some reflections on his own retirement to those of Leslie Francis a couple of weeks…

Added about 5 years ago.

New Hymn: Christ the Saviour

GUEST BLOG: Author Ian Black shares a new hymn he has written based on Follow Me: Living the Sayings of Jesus, our February #BookOfTheMonth. When we want to know what life should look l…

Added about 5 years ago.

Reflecting on Retirement: A New Lease of Life?

GUEST BLOG: What does ‘retirement’ mean for clergy who have made a life-long commitment to their vocation? Leslie J. Francis explores the motivation and inspiration behind the book A New…

Added about 5 years ago.

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