Sacristy Press Blog

A trip to the beautiful countryside (in central London...)

BOOK LAUNCH: Join us at Church House Bookshop for a trip to the countryside as we launch The Old Rectory by Anthony Jennings. 6 June 2018 at Church House Bookshop, Westminster31 Great Smith Stree…

Added about 7 years ago.

May Book of the Month: The Spirit of Peace

We are delighted to announce that Mary Grey’s The Spirit of Peace: Pentecost and Affliction in the Middle East has been chosen as our Book of the Month for May 2018. Whatever happened t…

Added about 7 years ago.

Alternative Collects: Prayers to a Disruptive & Compassionate God

Graham Turner reveals why and how he wrote these radical new prayers, which will both challenge and nourish. Some of us have grown up with the church’s weekly collects and have taken them for…

Added about 7 years ago.

The Old Rectory: The Story of the English Parsonage

OUT NOW: Traditional English rectories and vicarages have been neglected by the Church in the post-war years, but have become highly desirable to property buyers, and are now cherished by their new …

Added about 7 years ago.

Easter: The Most Extraordinary Celebration of All

GUEST BLOG: How should we celebrate Easter? Marcus Paul explores the difficulties faced by Christians in properly observing this feast in today's world. Marcus is the author of The Evil That M…

Added about 7 years ago.

April Book of the Month: The Evil That Men Do

We are delighted to announce that Marcus Paul’s The Evil That Men Do: Faith, Injustice and the Church has been chosen as our inaugural Book of the Month. The Evil That Men Do is a refreshingl…

Added about 7 years ago.

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