Birthpangs and Blessings: A Commentary on the Book of Genesis

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (368 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
15 January 2022
ISBN: 978-1-78959-194-1
Recent trends in Old Testament studies have radically changed the way we look at the first book of the Bible. This commentary takes account of these developments—acknowledging that traditional source-critical theories need to be re-evaluated, seeking to explore the book holistically, and taking account of its qualities as a ‘story’. Clare Amos draws upon her extensive knowledge of the modern Middle East, its peoples, its religions and its problems, to provide new insights into some of the challenges which Genesis offers for faith and life today. Birthpangs and Blessings offers new insights into the spirituality of the Bible, the voyage of mutual discovery between God and humanity, a recurrent theme of this important biblical book.
This is a book I shall have no hesitation in recommending to that new generation of would-be preachers and ministers who are so frightened by the unfamiliarity of the Old Testament and so seduced by the claims of some sections of the church that Gospel is only to be found in certain sections of the New Testament, that their confidence fails them with regard to this part of the Bible. Amos demonstrates well its vitality, its originality as part of the story of God, and the contribution it makes to the fundamental religious question about what it means to be human.
John Holdsworth (from a review in Rural Theology)