Stephen W. Need

Photograph of Stephen W. Need

Stephen W. Need was born in Nottingham and studied theology at King’s College, London. Whilst training to be a teacher, he visited the Holy Land and became captivated by the historical, archaeological and religious elements there. His interests in the Holy Places and the archaeological sites deepened over the years, and the relation of biblical texts to the places named in the Bible became a serious interest. After teaching New Testament and Early Christianity as well as systematic and philosophical theology in several colleges, he was appointed as a lecturer at St George’s College, Jerusalem. This gave him the opportunity to get to know the historical and archaeological background to the biblical texts at first hand. He also developed an on-the-ground interest in and experience of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

Stephen was ordained in 2008 at St George’s Cathedral in Jerusalem and served in the staff there for three years. From 2005 to 2011, he was Dean of St George’s College in Jerusalem.

Stephen and his wife live in Essex where Stephen is Priest in Charge of two small villages: Stock and West Hanningfield.​

An Armchair Pilgrimage through the Holy Land

GUEST BLOG: Stephen W. Need, author of Following Jesus in the Holy Land, describes how his own experience of visiting the Holy Land inspired him to write his “armchair pilgrimage”. My new book was inspired by the Holy Land, its holy places, its history and its connections with …

Added about 6 years ago.

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