Our wonderful authors and contributors...
Clare Amos
Clare Amos has taught Biblical Studies in Beirut, Jerusalem and Cambridge. She has worked for USPG, the Anglican Communion and the World Council of…
Margaret B. Adam
Margaret B. Adam lives at St Stephen’s House, Oxford, where she is Visiting Tutor for Contemporary Christian Ethics. She has previously taught…
David Alton
David, Lord Alton, a senior lay British Catholic, is very active in the political life of the nation and the world. He is a former Liberal Party and…
Follow @DavidAltonHLClive Aslet
Clive Aslet is Editor-at-Large of Country Life, having been architectural editor from 1984, deputy editor from 1989, and editor-in-chief from 1993.…
Follow @CliveAsletPeter Atkinson
Peter Atkinson served in parishes in south London, Surrey, Bath, and Sussex. He was principal of Chichester Theological College 1991–4, c…
Paul Avis
Paul Avis is an honorary assistant priest in the Church of England, serving in the Diocese of Exeter, and a brother to Elizabeth Baxter. He was…
Richard Backhouse
Richard Backhouse read Economics at Selwyn College, Cambridge, with the sincere intention of becoming a journalist. Initially distrac…
Follow @rpbackhouseJill Baker
Born in Wolverhampton to a family both steeped in Methodism and committed to walking in the countryside, Jill’s life has since taken her acro…
Follow @ejillbakerChristine Barnabas
Christine Barnabas is a spiritual director, retreat leader and writer. She also works for and is a Companion of the Northumbria Community, a disper…
John Barnett
John Barnett was ordained in 1977 and worked in parish ministry in Birmingham and the Black Country until his retirement forty years later. In 2003…
Frederick C. Bauerschmidt
Frederick C. (Fritz) Bauerschmidt is a deacon of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Baltimore (ordained 2007) and Professor of Theology at Loyola Uni…
Jonathan Baxter
Jonathan Baxter is an artist, peer-educator and curator. He is the second son to Elizabeth Baxter. Jonathan was formerly the Coordinator of the…
Robert Beaken
Robert Beaken was born in London in 1962. He trained for ordination in the Church of England at Cuddesdon, and studied as an ecumenical student at t…
Christina Beardsley
Christina Beardsley is a Church of England priest and a Visiting Scholar at Sarum College. Tina has been a parish priest, a healthcare chaplain…
Kathryn Bedford
Kathryn Bedford was born and grew up in Kent, and completed BA, MA and PhD degrees at Durham University in the departments of Classics, History…
Susan Bell
Susan Bell trained as a teacher at St Hild’s College, Durham, followed by a Masters Degree in Education from Cardiff University. After teachin…
Jan Berry
Jan Berry is a feminist theologian and writer, offering a ministry of spiritual accompaniment, and leading quiet days and retreats. She is a re…
Nick Bion
Nick Bion joined the company his father started shortly after leaving university over 30 years ago. The company, which he now largely…
Catherine Bird
Having previously worked in social policy and research in the voluntary sector, Cathy was ordained as a Presbyter in the Methodist Church in 1997.&n…
Ian Black
Ian Black is Vicar of Peterborough and Canon Residentiary of Peterborough Cathedral. He has written several popular books of prayers and intercessio…
Follow @canonianblackPeter Bold
Peter Bold is Rector of Ashover, Handley, Brackenfield and Wessington in the Diocese of Derby. He is passionate about team work, sharing h…
Josephine (Phina) Borgeson
Josephine (Phina) Borgeson was ordained deacon in 1974 and serves in the Episcopal Diocese of Northern California. Her community work centres on foo…
June Boyce-Tillman
June Boyce-Tillman is an international performer, composer, hymn writer and keynote speaker. She is an Emerita Professor of Applied Music at Wi…
Ian Bradley
Ian Bradley read modern history at Oxford University where he graduated with a congratulatory first-class degree and went on to gain a doctorate fo…
Paul F. Bradshaw
Paul F. Bradshaw is the Emeritus Professor of Liturgy at the University of Notre Dame, specialising in the history of liturgy. He trained for the pr…
Michael Brierley
Michael Brierley was canon precentor of Worcester, and is now director of formation at Ripon College Cuddesdon, Oxford.
Richard S. Briggs
Richard S. Briggs is an ordained minister in the Church of England, and has taught in theological education for over 20 years, mainly in Durham. He…
Michael Brooks
Michael Brooks was born in 1957 in Cambridgeshire. He attended Northampton Grammar School for Boys after which he studied at King’s College Lo…
Rosalind Brown
Rosalind Brown, after a few years living in the United States, during which she was ordained, trained people for ordination in the United Kingdom. S…
David O. Brown
David O. Brown studied theology at Canterbury Christ Church University. After studying a range of courses from Patristics to Medieval myst…
Brian A. Butcher
Brian A. Butcher, a sub-deacon in the Ukrainian Greco-Catholic Church, is Lecturer and Research Fellow in Eastern Christian Studies in the Facu…
Frank Canosa
Frank Canosa is a Visiting Professor at the University of Buckingham, where he has taught post-graduate courses in corporate finance,…
Luiz F. Cardoso
Luiz F. Cardoso (B.Sc. Theology, M.A. Mission and Evangelism) has been a pastor in multiple countries for fifteen years and currently pastors Connec…
Follow @luizcardosoukKevin Carey
Kevin Carey is one of Sacristy Press’s founding and most prolific authors, writing Christian literature in all major forms: novels, non-fictio…
Follow @KevinCarey_RNIBBenjamin Carter
Benjamin Carter is the Vicar of the Parishes by the Wall in the Diocese of Newcastle, which take in many of the most famous sections of Hadrian&rsqu…
Follow @revbcarterLuca Cesarini
Luca Cesarini was born in Rome in 1960 of an Italian father and a Swedish mother. After finishing school, he moved to Sweden, where he graduated at…
Michael Chandler
Michael Chandler is an historian and author of several books on the Church of England in the nineteenth century. He holds a Lambeth Diploma in Theol…
Mark D. Chapman
Mark D. Chapman is Vice-Principal of Ripon College Cuddesdon and Professor of the History of Modern Theology at the University of Oxford. An An…
Richard Chartres
Richard Chartres was Bishop of London from 1995 to 2017. Following his retirement he was made a life peer and sits in the House of Lords as a cross-…
Stephen Cherry
Stephen Cherry is Dean of King’s College, Cambridge. Formerly he was a Canon of Durham Cathedral and has extensive experience in parish minist…
Follow @StephenCherry1David Clark
David Clark was a Methodist deacon. As a presbyter in the Methodist Church, he served in circuits in Sheffield and inner London, before moving to b…
Jonathan Clatworthy
Jonathan Clatworthy is a theological author and Anglican priest. His main research interest is the ethical significance of monotheism. In the past,…
Mark Cleary
Mark Cleary was born in Birmingham into a large Roman Catholic family. Seven of the eight children in the family were educated at a range of Catholi…
Paula Clifford
Dr Paula Clifford has published widely on topics as diverse as medieval French and popular theology. Having been a regular contributor to BBC Radio…
Follow @pm_cliffordPaul Cobb
After leaving Erith Grammar School, Paul Cobb worked as a laboratory technician for the Wellcome Foundation at Dartford, Kent. Through part-time and…
Jan Collis
Jan Collis is a Church of England priest and hospital chaplain. Jan’s first career was as a psychologist and she became Senior Research Fellow…
Stephen Conway
Stephen Conway has been Bishop of Ely since 2011. Previously he was Archdeacon of Durham and Bishop of Ramsbury.
Follow @Bishop_S_ConwayChris Cook
Christopher C. H. Cook is Emeritus Professor in the Institute for Medical Humanities at Durham University, Honorary Chaplain for Tees, Esk and…
Stephen Cottrell
Stephen Cottrell is the Archbishop of York. He was previously Bishop of Chelmsford and Bishop of Reading. He is President of Affirming Cat…
Follow @CottrellStephenJane Craske
Jane Craske is a Methodist minister and theological educator. She has served in Methodist Circuit appointments in London, Manchester, Leeds and…
Steven Croft
Steven Croft was born and brought up in Halifax and has lived most of his life in the north of England working as a Vicar in Ovenden in Halifax and…
Follow @Steven_CroftKeith Croxton
Keith Croxton has been a Trustee Director of Chapter 1 Housing Association since 1996. Prior to that, he was a career civil …
Christopher Cunliffe
Chrisopher Cunliffe was born in Kingston-upon-Thames and grew up in and around London, although his family roots are in the Northwest of England. Af…
Richard Cunningham
Richard Cunningham is the Director of UCCF: the Christian Unions, a position that he has held since 2004. He was previously Executive Director of th…
Douglas Dales
Douglas Dales is a parish priest in the diocese of Oxford and was for many years Chaplain of Marlborough College. He is married with three grow…
John Davey
John Davey was born five years before the outbreak of WWII and his earliest memory is of being evacuated from London at the age of four to St Ives,…
John Davies
John Davies is Research Fellow in the College of Arts, University of Glasgow and teaches in Theology and Religious Studies. His fields include the h…
Claire Dawson
Claire Dawson has been priest in charge of St John and St James Church Bootle in the Liverpool Diocese since 2010; she initially joined the parish i…
Rosie Deedes
Rosie Deedes has worked as chaplain in several women’s prisons, a prison of male sex offenders, a university, and as the Spiritual Care Lead a…
J. K. Denning
J. K. Denning was born in 1976 in Caversham, Reading, one of three siblings, and had a very happy upbringing in a Christian home. She studied Englis…
William B. Dillingham
William Dillingham is the Charles Howard Candler Professor of American Literature Emeritus at Emory University in Atlanta, GA, where he taugh…
Gregory Dunstan
Gregory Dunstan was born and educated in England. A first career in landscape architecture led him to Ireland in 1977. After ordination in 1990, he…
Prof. Mark Edwards
Mark Edwards is Professor of Early Christian Studies at Oxford University, and tutor in theology at Christ Church College. His research interes…
Susanne Watson Epting
Susanne Watson Epting was ordained deacon in the Episcopal Church of the USA in 1989. She served as a board member of the Association for Episcopal…
Nick Fane
Nick Fane has been a teacher, education officer, and local government executive, often involved in the complex issues of allocating f…
Peter Fanning
Peter Fanning is a teacher, theatre director, journalist, and writer. He is the author of three novels—including two for young adults—a…
David Fergusson
David Fergusson has recently taken up the post of Regius Professor of Divinity at the University of Cambridge. He was previously Professor of Divini…
Frank Field MP
Frank Field has been the Labour MP for Birkenhead since 1979. He chaired the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England from 2005 to 2015 and founded…
Follow @frankfieldteamStuart Fisher
Stuart Fisher was born in Nuneaton, Warwickshire in 1954 and grew up in Peterlee, County Durham, where he showed a prodigious artistic talent at an…
Leslie J. Francis
Leslie J. Francis is Professor of Religions and Psychology at the University of Warwick and author of numerous books on theology, psychology an…
James M. M. Francis
James M. M. Francis grew up in Aberdeenshire and studied classics and then theology at Edinburgh University and Yale Divinity School. While trainin…
Michael Fuller
Michael Fuller studied chemistry, taking a doctorate for work in the field of synthetic organic chemistry, before studying theology and being ordain…
Jenny Gage
Having been a failed Baptist ordinand in the mid-70s, Jenny Gage was surprised (to put it mildly) when she experienced a renewed call to ministry…
Martin Gainsborough
Martin Gainsborough is Bishop of Kingston in the Diocese of Southwark. He has served in an inner-city parish, as a residentiary canon at Bristo…
Richard Gameson
Richard Gameson is Professor of the History of the Book at Durham University. He has published more than 100 studies of medieval manuscripts, book c…
Peter Gant
Peter Gant studied physics at Oxford and theology at Cambridge. After ordination and a curacy at St Mary Portsea, he worked as vicar of a parish in…
David Gee
David Gee is an activist and writer, and a consultant with Holy Rood House. His latest book is Hope’s Work: Facing the Future in an…
Tim Gibson
Tim Gibson is a writer, priest and academic based in rural Somerset. Currently Deputy Head of the School of Creative and Cultural Industries at UWE…
John Gill
John Gill is a semi-retired Australian psychiatrist, having conducted a private practice for over thirty years in general adult psychiatry…
Bridget Gillard
Bridget Gillard is the joint youngest of five children who grew up in a rectory in North Devon where her father was the parish priest, before the fa…
Robert Gillies
Robert Gillies was Bishop of Aberdeen and Orkney in the Scottish Episcopal Church until his retirement in 2016. He is an Honorary Research Fellow in…
Barbara Glasson
Barbara Glasson is a Methodist Minister and author, currently teaching pastoral theology at the Queen's Foundation, Birmingham. Throughout her…
David Goodacre
David Goodacre is a retired priest living in Newcastle. Ordained in 1960, almost all his ministry has been in the Northeast of England. For the las…
David Goodhew
David Goodhew is Director of Ministerial Practice at Cranmer Hall, a theological college which is part of St John’s College, Durham. He is als…
Follow @bfvk74Timothy Gorringe
Tim Gorringe is an Anglican priest who has taught in India, Oxford, St Andrews and Exeter. He is married and runs a smallholding in mid Devon. …
Lionel Green
Lionel Green grew up in Merton in Surrey, and was a founder member, and ultimately President, of Merton Historical Society. He researched Merton Pri…
Barbara Greig
Barbara Greig was born in Sunderland and lived in Roker until her family moved to Teesdale when she was eight. A voracious reader, she also discover…
Mary C. Grey
Mary Grey is a Roman Catholic liberation theologian, until recently DJ James Professor of Pastoral Theology at the University of Wales, Visiting Pro…
David Grieve
David Grieve is an Anglican priest, married with three grown-up children, who retired in 1989 at the age of 37 due to a breakdown. He writes poetry…
Jon Grogan
Jon Grogan is a lawyer and lives in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK. He is married with two children.
Follow @JonnygrogGeorge Guiver
George Guiver grew up in Leicester and started going to church when he was nine, placed in the choir of St Paul’s church by his (then non-chur…
David Gunn-Johnson
David Gunn-Johnson was born in London in 1949, the first child of a Pentecostal Minister. His journey from those beginnings to his present priesthoo…
James Hagerty
James Hagerty was born in Bradford, Yorkshire, and attended St Bede’s Grammar School. He trained to be a teacher and spent his professional ca…
W. G. Hale
Professor William G. Hale graduated with a degree in Zoology from the University of Durham in 1959, followed by a PhD in 1962 and a DSc in 1985. He…
Alan Hargrave
Alan Hargrave was born in a terraced house in the middle of Leeds—an area now buried under university buildings and an inner ci…
Rosie Harper
Rosie Harper was born in London, and grew up in Norwich. She is both British and Swiss. After graduating from Birmingham Universi…
Follow @rosieswissAlana Harris
Alana Harris is a product of the Australian post-conciliar Church, but was immersed from an early age in the devotional life of ultramontane Irish C…
Follow @dralanagharrisHarriet Harris
Harriet Harris MBE is University Chaplain and Head of Chaplaincy Service at the University of Edinburgh. She is Honorary Fellow of the Divinity Scho…
Chris Harris
Chris Harris was born into a devout and active Catholic family in Birmingham. A graduate of the Universities of London, Liverpool and Louvain in Be…
Carol Harrison
Carol Harrison has been Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity at the University of Oxford since January 2015 and is the first woman to hold this posit…
Trevor Hart
Trevor Hart is Rector of St Andrew’s, St Andrew’s in the Diocese of St Andrew’s, Dunkeld and Dublane, and Honorary Professor of Di…
Helen-Ann Hartley
Helen-Ann Hartley is the Bishop of Ripon, having previously served as Bishop of Waikato in New Zealand (2014–17). She was the first female Chu…
Follow @h_ahartleyPaul Hedges
Paul Hedges is Associate Professor at SRP, RSIS, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. He has published 14 books and over 80 academic pa…
Stewart Henderson
Stewart Henderson is a Sony Award-nominated broadcaster, songwriter and poet. He hosted Questions, Questions on BBC Radio 4 for ten years, as w…
Nicholas Henshall
Nicholas Henshall has been Dean of Chelmsford since 2014. He served as a parish priest for fourteen years in inner-city Newcastle, followed by six y…
Follow @HenshallNMichael Henshall
Michael Henshall was educated at Manchester Grammar School and St Chad’s College, Durham. After ordination in 1957 he began his career wi…
Simon Hewitt
Simon Hewitt teaches and researches in theology and philosophy, and is a research fellow at the University of Leeds. He is active in left-…
Follow @comradequixoteMichael Higgins
Michael Higgins holds two First Class Honours degrees in law and a Cambridge doctorate in the subject. He is a former Choate Fellow at Harvard Unive…
Dr Janet Hodgson
Born in Cape Town (South Africa) in 1936, Janet has lived at the Cape all her life, except for fourteen years as a mission theologian in the United…
John Holdsworth
John Holdsworth has spent most of his life as an Anglican priest in Wales, though a Yorkshireman. Latterly he had executive responsibility for the…
Jeffrey R. Holland
Elder Jeffrey R. Holland was ordained a member of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in 1994. He w…
Follow @HollandJeffreyRNicholas Holtam
Nicholas Holtam is a retired bishop of the Church of England. He served as Bishop of Salisbury from 2011 until hi…
David Hoyle
David Hoyle has been Dean of Westminster since 2019. Before that he had been a parish priest and more recently Canon Residentiary of Gloucester…
Barry Hudd
Barry Hudd KSG, Media Advisor to the Bishopric of the Forces, worked alongside the military in Britain, Germany and elsewhere as an accredited Defen…
Hilary Jane Hughes
Hilary Jane Hughes was born in Essex and became a Christian in her teenage years. Having suffered abuse within the family during her childhood,…
Follow @mikehilhughes22Colin Humphreys
Colin Humphreys is a current Director of Research at Cambridge University as well as Professor of Experimental Physics at the Royal Institution in L…
John Gaunt Hunter
John Gaunt Hunter was ordained in 1951 to serve on the staff of Bradford Cathedral. He worked in a variety of different settings, including an inner…
David Ibrahim
David Ibrahim is a psychiatry trainee in the second year of training at Northamptonshire NHS Foundation Trust. He is a trainee representative o…
Christopher Irvine
Christopher Irvine is Canon Librarian and Director of Education at Canterbury Cathedral, and was formerly the Principal of the College of the Resurr…
D. Michael Jackson
Ordained to the diaconate in 1977, D. Michael Jackson is the longest-serving deacon in the Anglican Church of Canada. He is author of two studies on…
David Jasper
David Jasper is Emeritus Professor at the University of Glasgow, where he was for many years Professor of Theology and Literature. He has also…
Alison Jasper
Alison Jasper was a teacher of Religious Education in a variety of English secondary schools before she received her PhD from Glasgow Universit…
Anthony Jennings
Anthony Jennings read classics and philosophy at Trinity College, Oxford, before qualifying as a solicitor. As Senior Legal Adviser and Company Secr…
Penny Johnson
Penny Johnson is an independent counsellor who specializes in trauma and is particularly interested in spirituality. She has spoken at Safeguarding…
Gloria Marie Jones OP
Gloria Marie Jones, OP, served eleven years as Congregational Prioress for the Dominican Sisters of Mission San Jose, an international Roman Catholi…
Jenny Kartupelis
Jenny Kartupelis started her career in public relations, establishing two consultancies in Cambridge, where she was involved the growth of the…
Anne Keffer
Anne Keffer was consecrated a Lutheran deaconess in 1964. As Director of Christian Education and Youth Ministry, she served large urban congregation…
Rob Kelsey
Rob Kelsey has been a priest in the Church of England for over twenty years, but originally worked as a civil engineer. He served his curacy i…
Jane Kennedy
Jane Kennedy is architect to Newcastle and Christ Church (Oxford) cathedrals and former architect at Ely Cathedral. She has also worked with se…
Michael Knowles
Michael Knowles is a biblical theologian and writer. He studied philosophy, theology and sociology in Dublin, Poona, Cambridge and London and t…
Gaye Kynoch
Gaye Kynoch is a freelance translator from Danish to English, with nearly 30 years’ experience translating books, essays and articles on topic…
Helen Leathard
Helen L. Leathard is Professor Emerita of Healing Science and Pharmacology at the University of Cumbria, Honorary Fellow of the British Pharmac…
Andrew Lightbown
Andrew Lightbown was ordained deacon in 2013, and serves in the Schorne team of parishes in Buckinghamshire. Andrew has an MBA, and, before ord…
Follow @Andy_LightbownMartin Lind
Martin Lind is the Bishop of the Lutheran Church in Great Britain. He is affiliated to the University of Lund, Sweden, as Assistant Professor i…
Ann Loades
Ann Loades CBE is Professor Emerita of Divinity University of Durham and Honorary Professor in the School of Divinity, University of St Andrews. She…
David Lowther
David Lowther was born in South West London and raised in South Wales. Having trained as a teacher, he worked in secondary schools and in tertiary e…
Follow @lowtherdavid37Lynn Machin
Lynn Machin is a Senior Lecturer in the School of Education at Staffordshire University. She has been involve in leadership, management, curriculum…
John Marsh
John Marsh is a retired Church of England priest and has been involved in the life and ministry of the Church in a variety of different and contras…
Maylanne Maybee
Maylanne Maybee has been a deacon in the Anglican Church of Canada since 1978. She is an educator, social justice activist, ecumenist, and writer on…
Lyn McCrave
Lyn McCrave was born in Liverpool but has lived in Scotland for 46 years. She is married with two grown daughters and a granddaughter. She is now re…
David McDonald
David McDonald qualified as a medical practitioner in 1969 and has worked as a consultant psychiatrist for over 40 years in adult forensic and…
John McLuckie
John McLuckie is Rector of Old St Paul’s Church in Edinburgh and an Associate Tutor of the Scottish Episcopal Institute where he teaches Spiri…
Jane Merson
Jane Merson is an author, church leader, and preacher. She has nearly a decade of experience working in full-time ministry, including operation…
Follow @jane_mersonSarah Meyrick
Sarah Meyrick studied Classics at Cambridge and Social Anthropology at Oxford which gave her a fascination for the stories people tell and the world…
Follow @sarahmeyrickLuke Miller
Luke Miller is Archdeacon of London. He read History at Sidney Sussex College, Cambridge before training for the priesthood at St Stephen&rsqu…
Follow @@ArchdeaconLukeAlison Morgan
Alison Morgan was ordained into the Church of England in 1996. Before her ordination, Alison was a university lecturer. Alison is an associate of Th…
Nadim Nassar
Nadim Nassar is the director of the Awareness Foundation, an international educational foundation which seeks to empower young people living in war…
Follow @nadim_nassarStephen W. Need
Stephen W. Need was born in Nottingham and studied theology at King’s College, London. Whilst training to be a teacher, he visited the Holy La…
James Newcome
Although he was born and brought up in the South of England, James Newcome has now worked in the North West for more than twenty years. After someti…
David Newman
David Newman studied English at Oxford and trained for ministry at St John’s College, Nottingham. After curacies in Orpington and Wolverhampto…
George E. Newman
George E. Newman, ordained to the Roman Catholic diaconate in 1987, served as Director of Diaconate Formation in Toronto from 1992 to 2002. He estab…
Bridget Nichols
Bridget Nichols lectures in Anglicanism and Liturgy at The Church of Ireland Theological Institute in Dublin. She began her doctoral research under…
Richard Noble
Richard Noble became Bursar of Ridley Hall theological college in Cambridge after a career in engineering and business management. Following retirem…
Follow @KJVSayingsPhilip North
The Rt Revd Philip North has been Bishop of Burnley since 2015. Read more on his Wikipedia page.
Daniel O’Connor
Daniel O'Connor was born in 1933 in Darlington. He was ordained as an Anglican priest after training in Oxford and in 1963 he and his wife Julie…
Simon Oliver
Simon Oliver is Van Mildert Professor of Divinity at Durham University and Residentiary Canon of Durham Cathedral, having been on the faculty at Lam…
Andrew Orton
Andrew Orton is Associate Professor in the School of Applied Social Sciences at Durham University. Having a professional background in community and…
Jennie Page
Jennie Page was for ten years (2006–2016) Vice Chair of the Cathedrals Fabric Commission for England, having been Chief Executive of English H…
Sarah Parkinson
Sarah Parkinson is a writer and freelance editor who lives in the East Riding of Yorkshire with her husband, who is a priest, and her three children…
Follow @itinerentpoetJohn Parratt
John Parratt was formerly Professor of Theology at the University of Birmingham. He is the author of numerous publications on the interaction of the…
Marcus K. Paul
Marcus Paul has two degrees in English and history and has enjoyed a life-long career working with students and sixth formers in universities a…
Sacha Pearce
With a background in critical care nursing, Sacha Pearce is an Anglican priest with experience in rural parish ministry and healthcare chaplaincy. H…
Alison Peden
Alison Peden was a medievalist at St Hilda’s College, Oxford, before moving to Scotland in 1990, where she taught at the Universities of…
Martyn Percy
Martyn Percy was ordained as a deacon in 1990 and a priest in 1991. He was later appointed Chaplain and Director of Studies, Christ's Church,…
Follow @MartynPercyDaniel Ruy Pereira
Daniel Ruy Pereira (B.Sc. Life Sciences) is a Christian science teacher in Oldham and the author of the poetry collection Sunset and Blizzard: Expe…
Anthony Phillips
Anthony Phillips is widely published. He was born in Cornwall in 1936. After leaving school he trained as a solicitor and, after practicing briefly…
Mark Philps
Mark Philps grew up with his mother and younger brother in Cornwall, where they had moved from London after his father died when he was four years o…
Follow @marksphilpsCatherine Pickford
Despite being born in Oxford, Catherine Pickford considers herself a committed Northerner. A vicar’s daughter, Catherine spent the first part…
Follow @Pickf1CatherineStephen Platten
Stephen Platten is an Assistant Bishop in the Dioceses of London, Southwark, and Newcastle. He has written extensively on theology, cathedrals and…
Follow @StephenPlattenMatthew Porter
Matthew Porter is Vicar of St Michael le Belfrey in York, a church with a vision to play their part in serving God's transformation of the North. Th…
Follow @matthewporterukMark Powley
Mark Powley is Principal of Yorkshire Ministry Course, which works with St Barnabas Theological Centre to train ordinands for the Church of England.…
Follow @MarkPowley1John Pritchard
John Pritchard is a retired Bishop of Oxford and author of many books on prayer, apologetics and the Christian journey. He previously served as…
Alan Race
Alan Race is a retired Anglican priest-theologian. He is a member and trustee of Modern Church, a leading voice in the movement for progressive and…
Anantanand Rambachan
Anantanand Rambachan is Emeritus Professor of Religion at Saint Olaf College in Minnesota, United States. Rambachan has been involved in interr…
Delyth M. Reid
Delyth M. Reid was Staff Scientist at the Institute of Medical Sciences in the University of Aberdeen. She has over forty publications in photorecep…
Su Reid
Su Reid grew up in Nottingham, where her father was an Anglican Lay Reader, and then read English at St Anne’s College, Oxford University. She…
Neil Richardson
Neil Richardson was Tutor In New Testament Studies and later Principal of Wesley College Bristol. As British Methodist President in 2003, he co-sig…
Adrian Roberts
Adrian Roberts is a retired teacher of Religious Studies and former Lay Chaplain at the Grammar School at Leeds, UK. He was brought up as a Roman Ca…
Nigel Rooms
Nigel Rooms works part-time developing a process for deep cultural change in UK Christian congregations over the long term with the Church Mission S…
Follow @NigelRoomsIsabel Ryan
Isabel Ryan is the younger daughter of the artist and cartoonist John Ryan. She left school at 16, lived briefly on her wits in Paris, ran the infor…
John Ryan
The son of a diplomat, John Ryan was born in Edinburgh but educated in the north of England. His lifelong fascination with pirates and the sea&mdash…
Michael Sadgrove
Michael Sadgrove was Dean of Durham Cathedral between 2003 and 2015. More information about Michael can be found on his Wikipedia page.
Follow @MichaelSadgroveMathias Schneider
Mathias Schneider is Postdoctoral Research Fellow at the Center for Religion and Modernity and interim chair at the Institute for Religious Stu…
Paul Severn
Born and bred in Oxford, Paul taught mathematics for many years in a variety of independent schools. Now living on the Isle of Wight, he has develo…
Kevin Sheehan
Kevin Sheehan is a cartographer, specialising in hand-drawn maps which he sells via manuscriptmaps.com.
Richard Shephard
Richard Shephard was a member of Baroness Howe’s Cathedrals Commission, whose report formed the basis of the 1999 Cathedrals Measure. Most rec…
Robert Shepherd
Robert Shepherd grew up in South London and read chemistry at Grey College, University of Durham. His interest in architecture started as a teenager…
Peter Sills
Peter Sills was born in north London, and after an initial career teaching law at Kingston University, during which he was called to the Bar, h…
Mark Silversides
Mark Silversides is not your average priest. After a decade serving parishes in the Diocese of Chelmsford, he began work for the Church Pastoral Aid…
Follow @MarkSilversidesRay Simpson
Ray Simpson is the Founding Guardian of the international Community of Aidan and Hilda, its principal liturgist and tutor of its Celtic Christian St…
Nicola Slee
Nicola Slee is Professorial Research Fellow at the Queen’s Foundation for Ecumenical Theological Education, Professor of Feminist Practic…
Andrew De Smet
Andrew De Smet is an Anglican priest, counsellor/psychotherapist, spiritual accompanier, trainer and mediator based in East Yorkshire. Until Ap…
J. Richard Smith
J. Richard Smith was born in Falkirk in Scotland. He was educated at Dollar Academy and thereafter at Glasgow University where he qualified w…
Magdalen Smith
Magdalen Smith was born in 1969 and grew up in Truro, Cornwall where her father was one of the cathedral clergy and Director of Ordinands. After sch…
Adrian Snell
Adrian Snell is a composer, performer and music therapist He is known for albums such as The Passion, The Cry, Alpha + Omega, and Fierce Love, and h…
Follow @snellmusicStephen Spencer
Stephen Spencer began researching William Temple’s life and thought for his doctoral studies at the University of Oxford. Since then he has co…
Leon van Steensel
Leon van Steensel is a Dutch music journalist and publicist. After studying journalism he has been editor of Dutch music magazine Bottomline, held a…
Jock Stein
Jock Stein attended Sedbergh School and Emmanuel College Cambridge. After working in the Sheffield steel industry for three years, he studied t…
Todd Stockdale
Todd Stockdale is a teaching fellow at Seton Hall University, New Jersey. He obtained his Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh and his research in…
Follow @ToddStockdaleEric Stoddart
Eric Stoddart teaches practical theology in the School of Divinity of the University of St Andrews in Scotland. He is a co-founder of the internatio…
Christopher Stoltz
Christopher Stoltz is Precentor at Westminster Abbey. He was previously Chaplain of Trinity College, Cambridge and served his curacy at St Mich…
Alan M. Suggate
Alan M. Suggate is a classicist, theologian and Anglican. From long experience, he draws together his reflections on our culture and the Christian f…
Mark Tanner
Mark Tanner is based in Durham where he serves as Warden of Cranmer Hall, training people for mission and ministry. Previously he has lead parishes…
Follow @BishopofBerwickNicholas Taylor
Nicholas Taylor is Rector of St Aidan’s, Clarkston, in the Diocese of Glasgow and Galloway, and Convenor of the Liturgy Committee of…
Andrew Teal
The Revd Dr Andrew Teal has been a full member of Oxford’s Faculty of Theology and Religion since 2008. He has been an admissions coordinator,…
Andy Thomas
Andy Thomas is an organist, pianist and choir director with over 25 years’ experience of reinvigorating music in churches from different Chris…
John Thomson
John Thomson is the Bishop of Selby. Before this he was Director of Ministry in Sheffield Diocese, a vicar in Doncaster, a theological educator in S…
Follow @john59thomsonKatharine Tiernan
Katharine Tiernan is a Northumbrian by birth and spent many childhood afternoons on the shores of Lindisfarne. She studied English Literature at Yor…
David R. Tomlinson
David R. Tomlinson is Vicar of St Paul’s in the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham, and Chair of Thrive Together Birmingham. Previously he was Area…
Follow @RectorSWAndrew Tremlett
Andrew Tremlett is the Dean of Durham. Previously he has served as a Canon Residentiary at Bristol Cathedral, Sub-Dean of Westminster Abbey, Archdea…
Follow @tremlett_andrewPádraig Ó Tuama
Pádraig Ó Tuama is an Irish poet, theologian and conflict mediator. Photo: U.S. Institute of Peace (CC BY 2.0)
Follow @duanallaGraham Turner
For over thirty years, Graham Turner served in a variety of parishes, mainly in urban neighbourhoods, before becoming a full-time prison c…
Graham Usher
Graham Usher is the Bishop of Norwich and Lead Bishop on the Environment for the Church of England.
Vibeke Vasbo
Danish author Vibeke Vasbo lived in Hull for four years while married to the Danish seamen’s chaplain. She is the author of highly acclaimed,…
Tony Vernon-Harcourt
Tony Vernon-Harcourt is the great-great-great grandson of Archbishop Vernon-Harcourt and 11th Lord Vernon. Educated at Eton and Magdalene College…
Nicola Vidamour
Nicola Vidamour is a Methodist Minister, currently serving in the Woughton Ecumenical Partnership in Milton Keynes. Nicola read Russian at Bristol U…
Gavin Wakefield
Gavin Wakefield is Director of Training for Missional Ministry in the Diocese of York, overseeing a team responsible for lay and clergy development.…
Follow @RevGavinJohn Wallace
John Wallace has been involved in churches since childhood. He was lay chair of his deanery synod for over 30 years and of his diocesan synod f…
Frances Ward
Frances Ward is a freelance theologian, researcher and writer, preacher, speaker and teacher. She is half-time Priest in Charge of St Mich…
Follow @fefwardAllen Warren
Born in 1945, Allen Warren was educated at Bristol Grammar School and New College, Oxford. He joined the History Department, University of York in 1…
Gillian R. Warson
Gillian Warson trained as a professional viola player and then worked as a church musician and teacher in Germany. Since completing her Ph.D. on th…
Helen Warwick
Helen Warwick is a Chaplain, Spiritual Director, Creative Therapist and writer in the Community of Holy Rood House (since 2015), with a background…
Natalie Watson
Natalie Watson is a theologian, writer and editor based in Peterborough, and has a PhD in Theology from Durham University. She is the author of seve…
Follow @watsontowersJustin Welby
Justin Welby was born in London and educated at Eton College and then Trinity College, Cambridge. Following a career in the oil industry, Justin cho…
Follow @JustinWelbyPatrick Whitworth
Patrick Whitworth read Modern History at Christ Church Oxford, and a Theology MA in Reformation Studies under T. H. L. Parker at Durham. He has spen…
John Wigfield
John Wigfield was born and educated in West Yorkshire, and has taught Modern Foreign Languages mainly in northern towns, and English in Zimbabwe. Ha…
Wendy Wilby
Wendy Wilby was ordained deacon in 1990, followed, in 1994, by ordination to priesthood, to which she had felt called for well over 30 years. A…
David Willem
David Willem is the author of Kicking: Following the Fans to the Orient and a former correspondent for The Guardian and&nbs…
Follow @daviddwillRowan Williams
Rowan, Lord Williams is a Welsh Anglican bishop, theologian, and poet. He was also the 104th Archbishop of Canterbury, Metropolitan and Primate…
E. Louise Williams
E. Louise Williams is a deacon in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America and was consecrated a deaconess in 1967. After serving in parish m…
Jenny Wilson
Jenny Wilson was born in England in 1959 and emigrated to Australia as a child with her parents. Jenny studied Mathematics and Music at The Universi…
Alan Wilson
Alan Wilson was born in Edinburgh and grew up in London and Kent. After studies at St John’s College Cambridge and doctoral res…
Follow @alantlwilsonElaine Wisdom
Elaine Wisdom holds BA Hons. Fine Art; Post Grad. Dip. Art Psychotherapy; Dip. Social Studies; and Dip. Pastoral Theology. She has a mixed deno…
Michael Woolcock
Michael Woodcock is Lead Social Development Specialist with the World Bank's Development Research Group, and a Lecturer in Public Policy at Harvard…
Janet Wootton
Janet Wootton served as a Congregational Minister in rural and city churches, before becoming Director of Studies for the Congregational Federation,…
Elli Wort
Elli Wort is a Tutor with Church Army, equipping their Commissioned Evangelists to share God’s love and transform their communities through fa…
Michael Yelton
Michael Yelton was a barrister for 25 years and then a Circuit Judge for 21. He has written extensively on Anglo-Catholic history and on ecclesiast…
Frances Young
The Revd Prof. Frances Young taught theology at the University of Birmingham from 1971 to 2002. While there, she was an Edward Cadbury Professor, he…