Patrick Whitworth
Patrick Whitworth read Modern History at Christ Church Oxford, and a Theology MA in Reformation Studies under T. H. L. Parker at Durham. He has spent over 40 years in Anglican Ministry, most recently in Bath, and in retirement facilitates lay and clergy training alongside his writing. He is married to Olivia with four grown up children and three grandchildren.

Englishness and the Church
The history of England cannot be understood without first understanding the history of the Church, argues Partrick Whitworth, author of a major new history of Christianity in England. There has been a wave of interest in what it means to be English in recent years. New books have abounded on th…
Added about 4 years ago. Read More

Matthew: the Gospel of Fulfilment
GUEST BLOG: Patrick Whitworth explores the distinctiveness of the Gospel of Matthew. His new book, Gospel of Fulfilment, is the second in his series of study guides on the Gospels; in it he shows how Matthew’s Gospel was not only a manual for discipleship for its first-century readers b…
Added about 6 years ago. Read More

Luke: The Gospel for the Outsider
GUEST BLOG: #BookOfTheMonth author Patrick Whitworth explores what makes Luke's record of Jesus' teachings unique amongst the Gospel writers, and why this account is particularly relevant to our lives today. Each of the Gospels is written from a particular standpoint and with a particular audienc…
Added about 6 years ago. Read More

What is the value of Church history?
GUEST BLOG: Patrick Whitworth, author of Suffering and Glory, explores some of the lessons that we can learn from early Church history, many of which are still very relevant today. As another volume of Church history is published, you might ask yourself the question: what is the value of Chu…
Added about 7 years ago. Read More

Shaping the World to Come
Why were the fourth and fifth centuries such a crucial yet turbulent time for the universal Church? Patrick Whitworth outlines why these were such formative years for Christianity in these slides from the launch of his new book, Constantinople to Chalcedon: The Shaping of Things to Come. Intri…
Added about 8 years ago. Read More
Co-stars of the Acts of the Apostles
Paperback £9.99
The life and mission of the early church after the day of Pentecost through accessible pen portraits of its main characters and communities. Ideal for group Bible study.
Suffering and Glory: The Church from the Apostles to Constantine
Paperback/Hardback £19.99
The story of the growth of the early Christian community. A rapid, detailed and accurate narrative, full of picturesque scenes drawn directly from contemporary witnesses to the rise of Christianity in the Roman world.
Defining God: Athanasius, Nicaea and the Trinitarian Controversy of the Fourth Century
Paperback £16.99
A vivid account of the fourth-century dispute surrounding the divine status of Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is the story of that controversy: its protagonists, the involvement of imperial power, its theological twists and turns, and the many creeds and councils of this period.
Gospel for the Outsider: The Gospel in Luke & Acts
Paperback £12.99
A useful study guide or resource for individuals and bible study groups who want to take a fresh look at familiar material. This book looks again at Luke’s writings from the point of view of reaching “outsiders”.
Gospel of the Trinity: Exploring the Gospel of John
Paperback £12.99
A short accessible guide to the Gospel of John for individuals and groups. This last in a series of four books identifies the fourth Gospel as the Gospel of the Trinity and helps readers explore the unique characteristics of St John.
The Empress and the Bishop: The Triumphs and Tragedy of John Chrysostom
Paperback £16.99
An accessible and comprehensive biography of the fourth-century preacher and theologian John Chrysostom, one of the most iconic voices of Christian history.
Three Wise Men from the East: The Cappadocian Fathers and the Struggle for Orthodoxy
Paperback £16.99
A comprehensive, clear, and accessible introduction to the writings and complex characters of the Cappadocian Fathers—Basil of Caesarea, Gregory of Nyssa, and Gregory Nazianzen—and a crucially formative period for Christian thinking.
Gospel of Fulfilment: Exploring the Gospel of Matthew
Paperback £12.99
A short, handy guide to the Gospel of Matthew for all who want to explore the first book of the New Testament in group study or on their own.
Gospel of the Kingdom: Exploring the Gospel of Mark
Paperback £12.99
A short accessible guide to the Gospel of Mark for individuals and groups
And Did Those Feet: The Story and Character of the English Church AD 200-2020
Patrick Whitworth charts both the contribution and shortcomings of the English Church. An extraordinary story well told, this will remain the standard work on the Church in England for many years to come.
Constantinople to Chalcedon: Shaping the World to Come
Paperback £19.99
An exploration of the theological turmoil of the fifth-century church, and the impact it had on the future of Western Europe.
From the author's blog
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