Michael Chandler

Michael Chandler is an historian and author of several books on the Church of England in the nineteenth century. He holds a Lambeth Diploma in Theology and a doctorate from King's College London and is a Fellow of the Royal Historical Society. He is a former Dean of Ely Cathedral and prior to that was a Residentiary Canon at Canterbury Cathedral. He is now retired and lives with his wife Janet in Whitstable in Kent.
More information about Michael Chandler can be found on his Wikipedia page.
Queen Victoria’s Archbishops of Canterbury
Paperback £19.99
Six pen portraits of the Archbishops of Canterbury during Queen Victoria's reign show how the Church of England and the Anglican Communion became what they are today.

Has There Ever Been a “Golden Age” for the Church?
GUEST BLOG: Michael Chandler, author of Queen Victoria’s Archbishops of Canterbury, explores this question and gives us a sneak preview of the archbishops featured in his new book. Lots of us imagine that the so-called Victorian Age was a triumphant time for Christianity in England. …
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