Andrew Lightbown

Andrew Lightbown was ordained deacon in 2013, and serves in the Schorne team of parishes in Buckinghamshire. Andrew has an MBA, and, before ordination, he worked for many years in the city of London, where he gained extensive experience of the financial services industry, and was Managing Director (Retail) of Old Mutual Asset Managers UK. From there, he moved to the University of Buckingham where he lectured in Business and Business Ethics. Andrew is actively involved with two of the organizations profiled in Part 2: Quicken Trust and Chapter 1 Housing Association. He is an oblate of Alton Abbey, married with two daughters, and, aside from theology and economics, enjoys walking the dog and skiing, and is a passionate fan of Northampton Saints Rugby Club.
Theonomics: Reconnecting Economics with Virtue and Integrity
Paperback £16.99
Theonomics asks if theology is capable of informing, shaping and penetrating all aspects of life, and especially economic life.

Brexit Blog: Can Brexit serve the Common Good
Andrew Lightbown shares his views on the EU referendum. Theresa May, the Prime Minister-in-waiting, has pledged to deliver on Brexit. Leaving the EU is, of course, one person's glorious opportunity and another’s potential socio-economic Armageddon. Whether Britain gets a good deal or…
Added about 9 years ago. Read More

A Theonomic Election
GUEST BLOG: Andrew Lightbown, editor of Theonomics and a curate in the Church of England, who formerly worked in the world of investment management, gives a Christian perspective on the forthcoming General Election. The political process for the Christian perhaps begins not with policy but…
Added about 10 years ago. Read More

Avarice at Advent: A Theonomic perspective on Black Friday. Aren’t some things worth waiting for?
A guest blog post by Andrew Lightbown, editor of Theonomics. Today the world seems to have gone retail mad! The message of Black Friday is: spend, spend, and spend some more. And, by the way, don’t stop to think of the impact of your behaviour on others. The BBC News website repor…
Added about 10 years ago. Read More
From the author's blog
- Talking of Ted – resignations and retirements 4 months ago
- Speaking about child homelessness, anger, and the Parable of the Good Samaritan 10 months ago
- Talking of friendship a year ago
- Speaking of ologies and economic theory. a year ago
- Speaking of Together in Love and Faith; a short reflection. 2 years ago
- Will strategy save us, or kill us? A very few thoughts. 3 years ago