June Boyce-Tillman

June Boyce-Tillman is an international performer, composer, hymn writer and keynote speaker. She is an Emerita Professor of Applied Music at Winchester University UK, and an Extra-ordinary Professor at North West University, South Africa. Her large-scale works for cathedrals involve professional musicians, community choirs, people with disabilities and school children. She is editing the series on Music and Spirituality for Peter Lang which includes her autobiography, Freedom Song. She founded MSW—Music, Spirituality and Wellbeing—an international network sharing expertise and experience in this area. She is an Anglican priest serving All Saints, Tooting.
Theology and Human Flourishing: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Baxter
Paperback £19.99
A collection of essays by eminent authors illustrating the gentle Christian ethos and health-sustaining ministry of Holy Rood House under the leadership of Elizabeth Baxter.