Paul Avis

Paul Avis is an honorary assistant priest in the Church of England, serving in the Diocese of Exeter, and a brother to Elizabeth Baxter. He was in parish ministry for 23 years before becoming General Secretary of the Council for Christian Unity. He is currently an honorary professor in the University of Edinburgh School of Divinity. Paul is Editor-in-Chief of the peer-reviewed journal Ecclesiology and Editor of the monograph series Anglican-Episcopal Theology and History (both published by Brill). He has also edited The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology. Paul’s recent publications include Jesus and the Church: The Foundation of the Church in the New Testament and Modern Theology (2021), Reconciling Theology (2022), Theology and the Enlightenment: A Critical Enquiry into Enlightenment Theology and its Reception (2022), and Revelation and the Word of God (2024). He is a long-serving consultant to Holy Rood House.
Theology and Human Flourishing: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Baxter
Paperback £19.99
A collection of essays by eminent authors illustrating the gentle Christian ethos and health-sustaining ministry of Holy Rood House under the leadership of Elizabeth Baxter.