Penny Johnson
Penny Johnson is an independent counsellor who specializes in trauma and is particularly interested in spirituality. She has spoken at Safeguarding conferences and has led retreats for women survivors of childhood abuse. Although not currently in practise, she is an accredited member of The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy.

Writing the Wisdom: Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma
Paperback £14.99
Writing the Wisdom explores the emotional impact of childhood sexual abuse in an informative and accessible way whilst also giving a rare insight through writing, into the lived experience of survivors.

Solidarity in Suffering, Sharing in Brokenness
GUEST BLOG: Penny Johnson, author of Writing the Wisdom: Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma, discusses how creative writing can help heal the trauma of childhood abuse. The independent inquiry into child sexual abuse (IICSA), which was set up in 2011 and revealed shocking fa…
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