David Lowther

David Lowther was born in South West London and raised in South Wales. Having trained as a teacher, he worked in secondary schools and in tertiary education in the North of England until his retirement. In his early years as a teacher he taught P.E. but later specialised in GCSE and A-Level History. After his retirement he taught part-time at the University of Portsmouth and now lives in Durham with his wife.
David is the author of two novels set in wartime Britain, The Blue Pencil (Sacristy Press, 2012) and Two Families at War (Sacristy Press, 2015). He also wrote Liberating Belsen: Remembering the Soldiers of the Durham Light Infantry (Sacristy Press, 2015), an historical account of an event that shocked the nation in 1945.
The Blue Pencil
Paperback £14.99
A thrilling story of Nazi sympathy and appeasement at the highest levels of British government, following an idealistic young journalist from his first steps along Fleet Street to the dark and dangerous heart of 1930s Nazi Germany as he uncovers the secrets kept from us by the British Government.
Liberating Belsen: Remembering the Soldiers of the Durham Light Infantry
Paperback £12.99
Nothing could have prepared a small group of soldiers from the Durham Light Infantry for what they discovered in April 1945, less than a month before the end of WWII in Europe. We are told the story of the infantrymen who uncovered the monstrous crimes of the Belsen concentration camp, and the traumatic effect it had on their lives.
The Summer of ’39
Paperback £14.99
A tale of spies, terrorists and blossoming young love—an epic adventure set in the final months of peace before WWII. Britain is under attack on two fronts. The IRA is mounting a bombing campaign on the mainland, and agents of the German Secret Service are collecting vital information to help them if war breaks out.
Two Families At War
Paperback £14.99
A gripping WWII thriller set in London during the blitz. As the bombs begin to fall on London, the paths of two families cross with tragic consequences as their lives race towards a dangerous and thrilling climax. Two Families at War tells of the battle between good and evil, set against the terror of the second Great Fire of London, December 1940.

Seventy-Five Years On: The Durham Light Infantry and the Belsen Concentration Camp
GUEST BLOG: To mark the 75th anniversary of the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp’s liberation, David Lowther retells the grisly story of what the British soldiers found on their arrival there. Three quarters of a century ago, soldiers from the 11th Armoured Division of the …
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

Eighty Years Ago: The Summer of ’39
GUEST BLOG: Eighty years ago, in the summer of 1939, Britain stood on the verge of war for the second time in a quarter of a century. The IRA was working with the Nazis to spread chaos. Novelist David Lowther explains how this sets the scene for The Summer of ’39. The best efforts of Prim…
Added about 6 years ago. Read More

Remembering the Durham Light Infantry
GUEST BLOG: Fifty years ago, on 12 December 1968, one of the British Army’s most notable regiments, the Durham Light Infantry, held its final parade in front of its Colonel-in-Chief, Princess Alexandra, on Palace Green in Durham. The regimental colours were then laid up in Durham Cathedral …
Added about 6 years ago. Read More

David Lowther: how do you write modern historical fiction?
GUEST BLOG: David Lowther, author of two gripping novels set in wartime Britain, The Blue Pencil and Two Families at War, reveals the challenges (and rewards!) of writing modern historical fiction. When you are reading my novels, I want you to be thinking to yourself “yes that could easily…
Added about 8 years ago. Read More