Jenny Wilson

Jenny Wilson was born in England in 1959 and emigrated to Australia as a child with her parents. Jenny studied Mathematics and Music at The University of Adelaide. She was awarded a First Class Honours Degree in Pure Mathematics in 1983 and a Diploma of Education in 1984. Jenny taught Mathematics for fifteen years in secondary schools in Adelaide and in England.
Jenny was ordained in 2006 and is currently Canon Precentor at St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide with responsibilities in liturgy, music and pastoral care. Jenny particularly enjoys preaching, working as Chaplain to the Cathedral Choir (boys, girls and lay clerks), facilitating study groups in Ignatian spirituality and celebrating the Eucharist in the midst of the Cathedral Choir’s wonderful voices. From time to time, Jenny acts as a Duty Chaplain at Westminster Abbey.
Jenny is married to an Adelaide lawyer. She has two adult children, a dog, two cats and eight chickens. Jenny loves walking, reading, singing, listening to classical music and drinking tea in the company of her chickens. On her regular visits to England, Jenny spends time in London with family, walks in the Yorkshire Dales and visits the puffins in the Farne Islands.
Preaching for the Planet: Sermons on Creation and Climate
Paperback £14.99
Sermons preached by Jenny Wilson, Canon Precentor of St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide. The introductory chapter explores ideas about preaching with a particular focus on preaching for the planet at this time of climate crisis.
Keeping Watch for Kingfishers: God Stories
Paperback £14.99
A collection of sermons that explore how we can learn to hear the voice of God in prayer, in the life of Jesus and in the human voice.

Good Friday Sermon from Jenny Wilson
WATCH: Here is Jenny Wilson’s sermon broadcast from St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, on Good Friday. Jenny Wilson is Canon Precentor of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, with responsibilities in liturgy, music and pastoral care. She is the author of Keeping Watch for Kingfis…
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

Coronavirus and Jesus Healing the Blind Man
WATCH: This is the sermon that Jenny Wilson preached at St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, on 22 March, just after it was announced that the cathedral would suspend public worship in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Jenny Wilson is Canon Precentor of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaid…
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

How Do We Preach in a Secular Age?
GUEST BLOG: Jenny Wilson, Canon Precentor of St Peter’s Cathedral, Adelaide, explores how good preaching in this and every age is about listening for God’s voice in the everyday. The scholar Charles V. Taylor defines our time and place as having moved from “a society where bel…
Added about 5 years ago. Read More