Rosie Deedes

Rosie Deedes has worked as chaplain in several women’s prisons, a prison of male sex offenders, a university, and as the Spiritual Care Lead at Mountbatten Hospice on the Isle of Wight. She studied theology at Birmingham University and trained for ministry at Westcott House, Cambridge. Rosie lives with her family on the Isle of Wight and enjoys walking, reading, yoga, writing and spending time with her family.
Into the Depths: A Chaplain's Reflections on Death, Dying and Pastoral Care
Paperback £14.99
Drawing on her experience of chaplaincy in prison, hospice and university contexts, Rosie Deedes reflects on the nature of good pastoral care and chaplaincy as a model of ministry for our time.

Stay Connected, Pray Connected
GUEST BLOG: Rosie Deedes finds parallels between the current lockdown and her experience of prison life from her time as a chaplain, and explores ways of continuing to pray together despite the difficult circumstances. Anyone who has served time at Her Majesty’s pleasure will know the mea…
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

Pastoral Care and the Coronavirus: What Can We Do?
GUEST BLOG: How can we help each other out during this global crisis? Rosie Deedes has worked as a chaplain in many difficult contexts and shares her reflections. The coronavirus situation is changing daily and we are having to think differently about every aspect of our lives: how we eat; how …
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

Rosie Deedes: Writing a Book
GUEST BLOG: Ever since first starting work as a chaplain in Holloway women’s prison in 1999, Rosie Deedes has wanted to write a book. She had a strong sense that people needed to know what went on within that taboo, hidden-away world; a world which most people would never experienc…
Added about 6 years ago. Read More