Jan Collis

Jan Collis is a Church of England priest and hospital chaplain. Jan’s first career was as a psychologist and she became Senior Research Fellow in the Human Assessment Laboratory, University of Plymouth. She trained as a person-centred counsellor, serving both the NHS and in private practice for fifteen years. Her interests, naturally are the exploration of the relationships between religion, spirituality and therapy. As well as being an avid reader, she is both a sock knitter and sax player and is passionate about spending down time in the state of Vermont.
Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy
Paperback £16.99
Creating Space tells a professional and personal story of healthcare chaplaincy and models the way in which practice development emerges from reflecting on the human story.

Listening Without an Agenda
GUEST BLOG: Sacha Pearce and Jan Collis, authors of Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy, discuss what real listening looks like. Last year, the Communications Team in our hospital came to interview us for a piece they were producing for an…
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