Christopher Cunliffe

Chrisopher Cunliffe was born in Kingston-upon-Thames and grew up in and around London, although his family roots are in the Northwest of England. After studying Modern History at Oxford, he stayed on to do doctoral research in eighteenth-century intellectual history, before moving to Cambridge to study Theology and train for ordination. He was ordained together with his wife to job-share a curacy in Chesterfield, one of the first such arrangements in the Church of England. Christopher then worked in university chaplaincy in Oxford (which included research and teaching) and London, before moving to Church House, Westminster, to a national role in clergy recruitment and selection, as well as resourcing and supporting a national network of vocations advisers.
Further roles in clergy support and development followed, as director of ministry in London diocese and as chaplain to the Bishop of Bradwell, before he was appointed Archdeacon of Derby in 2006. While there he also had spells as acting dean of the cathedral and acting diocesan secretary. There was also a significant connection with the University of Derby, where he was a member of the governing council for nine years and a trustee of the Multi-Faith Centre.
His retirement to Wales in 2020 has enabled him to resume my interests in history and theology, hence the present book, and to continue his support for the Anglican church in Africa. He was chair of MANNA (The Mozambique and Angola Anglican Association) from 2007 to 2019, and continues to be a trustee. He has made four visits to Angola and was commissary in the UK for the Bishop of Angola from 2013 to 2021.
The Missionary of Knowledge: Hastings Rashdall’s Life and Thoughts
Paperback £16.99
An accessible introduction to the life and thought of Hastings Rashdall, one of the most prominent figures in the Church of England of his day, this book makes the case for his continuing influence and relevance.