Luiz F. Cardoso

Luiz F. Cardoso (B.Sc. Theology, M.A. Mission and Evangelism) has been a pastor in multiple countries for fifteen years and currently pastors Connect Church in Stockport, and is presently the Coordinator of Advance Groups at the Message Trust, UK, and also. Co-director of Theology for the series “In Awesome Wonder” (Connect Methodist Church, Stockport, 2019), sponsored by the Templeton World Charity Foundation and Scientists in Congregations initiative from St John’s College, Durham.
In Awesome Wonder: Bridging Faith and Science
Paperback £12.99
For many Christians there is still a gap between science and their faith. Exploring topics like cosmology, evolution and climate change, In Awesome Wonder shows how science and faith can mutually enrich each other and can be incorporated, confidently and healthily, into an orthodox Christian worldview.