Wendy Wilby
Wendy Wilby was ordained deacon in 1990, followed, in 1994, by ordination to priesthood, to which she had felt called for well over 30 years. After a number of diverse parish ministries and chaplaincies, Wendy was the first woman Canon Residentiary to come into the Bristol Cathedral Chapter in 2007. There she served as Precentor, thus employing both her musical gifts and skills, developed at the University of Oxford and the Royal College of Music, and her passion and expertise for liturgy. In addition, she also took over the role of Dean of Women’s Ministry for Bristol Diocese in June 2011, eventually becoming Chair of the National Association of Diocesan Advisers in Women’s Ministry. NADAWM aims to be a resource to the Church of England, advising and supporting the National Church, Diocesan Senior Staff and women in ministry on a range of issues. The organization aims to make the Church of England a place where women can flourish in their calling. Wendy has served as a trustee of Holy Rood House, including as Vice-Chair, for several years.
Theology and Human Flourishing: Essays in Honour of Elizabeth Baxter
Paperback £19.99
A collection of essays by eminent authors illustrating the gentle Christian ethos and health-sustaining ministry of Holy Rood House under the leadership of Elizabeth Baxter.