Daniel O’Connor

Daniel O'Connor was born in 1933 in Darlington. He was ordained as an Anglican priest after training in Oxford and in 1963 he and his wife Juliet left for India. He was chaplain and lecturer in English literature at St Stephen's College, Delhi until 1972. He was to write important books on C. F. Andrews, a close friend of Gandhi and Verrier Elwin, a priest and later distinguished anthropologist in India. returning to the United Kingdom he held a number of posts in Scotland and England, including Principal of the College of the Ascension, Selly Oak. He now lives close to St. Andrew's, Fife. India and the End of Empire is a selection from his many writings on Bishop Cosin, India before and after independence, and the history of the USPG and missions.
India and the End of Empire: Selected Writings of Daniel O’Connor
Paperback £19.99
This collection of the writings of Daniel O’Connor, edited and introduced by David Jasper, is a treasure trove for all interested in the Church in India in the twentieth century.