Dr Janet Hodgson

Born in Cape Town (South Africa) in 1936, Janet has lived at the Cape all her life, except for fourteen years as a mission theologian in the United Kingdom.
In 1957, Janet obtained a BSc Agriculture degree (cum laude) from Stellenbosch University. She then received an MA (with distinction) in Religious Studies from the University of Cape Town in 1975, followed by a PhD in 1985. She lectured part-time in Religious Studies at UCT while bringing up four children. In addition to her academic writing, she has published over a dozen books in the UK, Canada and South Africa on a wide variety of subjects including mission, history, anthropology, African studies, indigenous spirituality, liberation theology, and biography.
Janet moved to the UK in 1987 having been granted an Honorary Fellowship in the Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World, New College, Edinburgh. At the same time she was a tutor and taught mission in the Selly Oak Colleges, Birmingham for 18 months. She was then appointed Mission Adviser for USPG in the Dioceses of Oxford and St Albans for five years. Finally, she was appointed Adviser in Local Mission/Diocesan missioner in the Diocese of Durham from 1994 to the end of 2001, before retiring to South Africa.
The field research for her academic studies took her all over South Africa and Canada, learning about the culture and spirituality of the indigenous peoples. In the UK Janet was well known nationally for her workshops, and has been involved in different aspects of mission all her working life. She has sat on numerous committees, generally as the only woman.
During her 7 years in the North East she lived in Hartlepool but travelled the length and breadth of Durham Diocese, and nationally, ministering to the whole range of Church of England traditions.
Janet has battled valiantly with age-related macular degeneration (AMD) for the last two decades. Despite her failing eyesight, she is still writing.
Mission From Below: Growing a Kingdom Community
Paperback £16.99
A radical and controversial challenge to the top-down leadership models that are so widespread in the church, instead making the case for a new model of people-driven servant leadership, guided by the Holy Spirit towards kingdom growth rather than church growth.

Growing a Kingdom Community
GUEST BLOG: The inspiring story of two Loreto Sisters’ work with one of the most deprived communities in the North East, by Janet Hodgson. I am from South Africa and have worked all my life in different aspects of mission at home, in Britain and Canada. When I was appointed Advisor in Loc…
Added about 5 years ago. Read More

The inside story on “Mission From Below”
GUEST BLOG: Dr Janet Hodgson’s new book is a radical and controversial challenge to the top-down leadership models that are so widespread in the church. We asked Janet what inspired her to write Mission From Below. This true story of two Loreto Sisters working alongside one of the most…
Added about 7 years ago. Read More