Peter Atkinson
Peter Atkinson served in parishes in south London, Surrey, Bath, and Sussex. He was principal of Chichester Theological College 1991–4, canon chancellor of Chichester 1997–2007, and dean of Worcester 2007–23.

A Way of Putting It: Sermons of Peter Atkinson
Paperback £14.99
This collection of sermons by Peter Atkinson, the dean of Worcester, honours the highly distinguished ministry of this renowned preacher on the occasion of his retirement.
Holy Ground: Cathedrals in the twenty-first century
Paperback £16.99
Cathedrals are one area of the church’s life where increasingly the unchurched and the half-believer encounter God, and where the institutions of our society instinctively engage with the Christian gospel. Holy Ground digs deep into the life of England’s cathedrals, and discusses such diverse topics as finance, growth, heritage, liturgy, development, music and art.