The Big Bang and the Holy Trinity:

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Book Details
Format: Paperback (108 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
15 August 2024
ISBN: 978-1-78959-349-5
The Big Bang and the Holy Trinity explores how science and Christianity together provide an explanation of the story of humankind to date and a vision for our future. Biblical accounts of the creation of the universe and the nature of God are used to show how science has shone a new light on the truths they contain.
The Big Bang and the Holy Trinity takes the stance that the disciplines of science and theology are mutually enriching. A trinitarian view of the Creator, the Creative Potential and the Creative Force in a universe that continues to evolve has led to the question of what comes next. Science alone cannot answer this question. We are experiencing the information age where the majority of people carry around an immense library of knowledge and wisdom in their smartphones, and we are at the start of an explosion of Artificial Intelligence. The book considers whether the evolution of the mind and spirit have now superseded bio-evolution for Homo sapiens.
The Big Bang and the Holy Trinity presents a challenge equally to adherents of traditional Christian doctrine and to those who believe that one day science will explain everything.