‘Tis the season to be jolly?

GUEST BLOG: Christmas can be a challenging time for many people. As part of a December focus on mental health Jon Grogan, author of From Over the Edge, introduces us to his quieter approach to Chris…

Added about 2 years ago.

Singing a Fresh Song for a Fresh Generation

GUEST BLOG: John Marsh introduces us to his new book Singing the Lord’s Song in a Strange Land and discusses the importance of preaching the faith afresh in each generation if the Church is to…

Added about 2 years ago.

Great Grandfather’s Footsteps

GUEST BLOG: Peter Fanning introduces us to to the life and legacy of his great grandfather Henry Beeching, Dean of Norwich. ‘When I was 17, my father was so stupid, I didn't want to be …

Added about 2 years ago.

Waking Up to God: A Book for Such a Time as This

GUEST BLOG: Neil Richardson talks us through the motivations and concerns behind his new book Waking Up to God. Each week’s headlines seem to highlight the timeliness of my new book Wa…

Added about 2 years ago.

Peace or Silence?

GUEST BLOG: Nicola Vidamour, author of Where Two Rivers Meet, discusses the connection and difference between peace and silence. What does peace-making look like in our time? I recently spen…

Added about 2 years ago.

An invitation to a very special book launch at Alnwick Castle

The Duke of Northumberland will host the launch of Northumberland: A Guide at The Guest Hall, Alnwick Castle on Tuesday 27 September 2022 at 6pm. Drinks will be served. The event is free of charg…

Added about 2 years ago.

Connecting to Place, our Bodies, the Divine

GUEST BLOG: Christine Barnabas, author of Consecrated Celibacy: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Calling, discusses the importance of being connected, to the places we live, to our bodies, and to the Divi…

Added about 3 years ago.

Living Culture, Living Christ?

GUEST BLOG: author Alan Suggate talks us through the thinking behind his new book, Living Culture, Living Christ. For four decades our culture has experienced deepening division and distrust, mad…

Added about 3 years ago.

Social Distancing and Leveling Up

GUEST BLOG: Graham Turner, author of God’s People and the Seduction of Empire and Alternative Collects, challenges us to help close the gap between the rich and the poor. For thos…

Added about 3 years ago.

Counter Cultural Church

GUEST BLOG: Timothy Gorringe, author of Keeping Time: Time, Liturgy and Christian Discipleship, discusses what a truly Christ-like Church would look like. Simon Fairlie, founder of the …

Added about 3 years ago.

Meet the Enigmatic Alfred Hope Patten

GUEST BLOG: Michael Yelton, author of Alfred Hope Patten and the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham, discusses the life and legacy of this enigmatic Priest. This revised second edition of Alfr…

Added about 3 years ago.

Justice: Passing Fad or Immovable Truth?

GUEST BLOG: As part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth focus on injustice Marcus K. Paul, author of The Evil that Men Do, discusses historic and modern understandings of injustice. There’s someth…

Added about 3 years ago.

Created for bliss?

GUEST BLOG: Nicola Vidamour, author of Where Two Rivers Meet: Russian Windows on the Gospel, discusses opera, war and the anxiety of waiting for her book to be published! Pushkin Hill…

Added about 3 years ago.

Towards a Kinder Church

GUEST BLOG: As part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth focus on injustice Kevin Carey, author of The Judas Church, gives a cry to action and reform for the modern Church. The row in the Church of England ov…

Added about 3 years ago.

June #ThemeOfTheMonth: Injustice

Throughout June we are going to be diving into two different approaches to the theme of injustice with the help of two of our authors as part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth. Watch the blog and our social m…

Added about 3 years ago.

The Mystery and Magic of Writing

GUEST BLOG: Barbara Glasson, author of Writing the Wisdom: creative writing as healing from childhood trauma, discusses the importance of writing for the human spirit. Writing is a mystery. …

Added about 3 years ago.

Musings on Bishops

GUEST BLOG: Paul Severn, author of The Roman Catholic Bishops of Hexham and Newcastle, discusses what led to his writing the book and what may be coming next! When I moved from Oxford to Ryd…

Added about 3 years ago.

Heresies: from Marcion to Moscow via the South of France

GUEST BLOG: As part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth focus on Christian history Paula Clifford, author of Tuscany’s Noble Treasures, discusses the causes and impact of historic and modern heresies. …

Added about 3 years ago.

Solidarity in Suffering, Sharing in Brokenness

GUEST BLOG: Penny Johnson, author of Writing the Wisdom: Creative writing as healing from childhood trauma, discusses how creative writing can help heal the trauma of childhood abuse. The in…

Added about 3 years ago.

Listening Without an Agenda

GUEST BLOG: Sacha Pearce and Jan Collis, authors of Creating Space: Story, Reflection and Practice in Healthcare Chaplaincy, discuss what real listening looks like. Last year,…

Added about 3 years ago.

History Meets Eternity

As part of our April focus on Christian history Luke Miller, author of A Life-Long Springtime: The Life and Teaching of Fr George Congreve SSJE, discusses Fr Congreve’s views on Christ&rs…

Added about 3 years ago.

April #ThemeOfTheMonth: Christian History

Throughout April we are going to be diving into three very different aspects of Christian history with the help of three of our authors as part of our #ThemeOfTheMonth. Watch the blog and our social…

Added about 3 years ago.

Unity in diversity: famous last words?

GUEST BLOG: As part of our March focus on unity in diversity David Newman, author of Growing Up into the Children of God, asks how we balance unity with diversity within the Church. We …

Added about 3 years ago.

The (eventual) death-throes of identity politics

GUEST BLOG: As part of our March focus on unity in diversity John Barnett, author of Christian and Sikh: A Practical Theology of Multiple Religious Participation, encourages us to have hope tha…

Added about 3 years ago.

O Jerusalem, Jerusalem

GUEST BLOG: Author Clare Amos draws on this week’s lectionary readings, a weekly blog she writes in her role as Honorary Director of Lay Discipleship for the Church of England Diocese in …

Added about 3 years ago.

March #ThemeOfTheMonth: Unity in Diversity

How can we as the Church hold the tension between seeking unity and celebrating our diversity? Is it possible to find unity and connection in the midst of diversity and difference? How should the Ch…

Added about 3 years ago.

Is the God of Evolution Radical Enough?

GUEST BLOG: As part of our February focus on Science & Faith David O. Brown, author of Incarnation and Neo-Darwinism: Evolution, Ontology and Divine Activity, asks us to reconsder how …

Added about 3 years ago.

Easter Hope in Times of Wicked Weather

GUEST BLOG: As Lent fast approaches author Stephen Platten introduces us to his new book Wicked Weather for Walking: A Passiontide Progress In the days of yore, the young peoples’ grou…

Added about 3 years ago.

I want to believe, but what if I’m an alien?

GUEST BLOG: As part of our February focus on Science & Faith Daniel Ruy Pereira, author of In Awesome Wonder: Bridging Faith and Science, asks whether the Bible welcomes extra-terrestrials.…

Added about 3 years ago.

February #ThemeOfTheMonth: Science & Faith

Can you believe in God and Science? Can religion and science ever sit comfortably together? This month we’re asking two of our authors to help us dive deeper into these questions as part of ou…

Added about 3 years ago.

Posting the Word: a Lament?

GUEST BLOG: Chris Harris, author of our latest release Posting the Word, discusses his hope for the future of the Church. Whatever you may come to think of Posting the Word – my own story a…

Added about 3 years ago.

An Encounter in Lockdown

GUEST BLOG: Paula Clifford, author of our recent release Tuscany’s Noble Treasures, tells us about an unlocked for encounter she had while writing the book. In Spring 2020 the UK was still …

Added about 3 years ago.

Lament in the Never-Ending Now

GUEST BLOG: As part of our January focus on Lament Sarah Parkinson, author of Searching for a Silent God, shares her own experiences of lament. Lament is at the heart of many stories and poems in…

Added about 3 years ago.

After the Holiday

GUEST BLOG: Luke Miller, author of our recent release A Life-Long Springtime, introduces us to Fr George Congreve’s wisdom about transforming the disappointment that can often follow the …

Added about 3 years ago.

Lament vs. Protest

GUEST BLOG: As part of our January #ThemeOfTheMonth John Holdsworth, author of Honest Sadness: Lament in a Pandemic Age, wonders about the difference between lament and protest and discusses th…

Added about 3 years ago.

January #ThemeOfTheMonth: Lament

As we draw a line under another year that has been uncertain and painful for many we have asked two of our authors to share their thoughts on lament as part of our January #ThemeOfTheMonth John H…

Added about 3 years ago.

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