Christ in a Choppie Box: Sermons from North East England

Book Details
Format: Paperback (254 pages)
Publisher: Sacristy Press
Date of Publication:
1 October 2015
ISBN: 978-1-910519-10-3
Foreword by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury
Edited and introduced by Carol Harrison, Lady Margaret Professor of Divinity, Oxford University
Michael Sadgrove retired as Dean of Durham Cathedral in September 2015. Since arriving in Durham in 2003 he has preached many well-crafted sermons on a wide variety of topics, from the Iraq invasions to “digital lambs”. This volume contains an edited collection of some of his finest and most thought-provoking sermons from his time in Durham.
“Michael’s sermons are both beautiful and inspiring. They draw the reader face to face with God in surprising ways, always feeding the spiritual appetite—yet leaving me thirsty for more of what we have just tasted. They are beautifully crafted, and admirably concise. The use of English is impeccable and the scholarship profound. The eclectic references to art and literature demonstrate an aesthetic talent and theological versatility that is exceptional.”
~ from the Foreword by Justin Welby, Archbishop of Canterbury