Theology & Religion
Stimulating and engaging theological and religious books to suit all interests and religious backgrounds.
Bigger and Wilder: Life, loss and learning to be a pilgrim
Paperback £14.99
An excursion into the ancient spiritual practice of pilgrimage from the perspective of loss and bereavement. Jill Baker encourages others to step into the pilgrim spirit and discover more about the big, wild God who constantly calls us to follow.
Breathers of an Ampler Day: Victorian Views of Heaven
Paperback £14.99
As death comes out of the closet in contemporary society, this book presents the views on heaven and the afterlife of a number of well-known Victorians, and others not so well known, in the belief that they may help us today.
Anglo-Catholic Church Planting: Can it work?
Paperback £16.99
A comparison of contemporary church planting in the Anglo-Catholic tradition with how Victorian Anglo-Catholics started new churches.
Gospel of the Trinity: Exploring the Gospel of John
Paperback £12.99
A short accessible guide to the Gospel of John for individuals and groups. This last in a series of four books identifies the fourth Gospel as the Gospel of the Trinity and helps readers explore the unique characteristics of St John.
Love Answering Love: Praying through the Bible
Paperback £12.99
A helpful summary of the Bible's teaching on how we should pray, exploring the practice of prayer with freshness and originality, and shedding new light on both familiar and less-well-known biblical texts.
All Things Come into Being Through Him: A Christology of Creation
Paperback £30.00
David O. Brown demonstrates how it is possible to embrace deism, without that leading to those problems deism presents to the Christian, namely, the denial of providence, and rejection of the incarnation.
A Way of Putting It: Sermons of Peter Atkinson
Paperback £14.99
This collection of sermons by Peter Atkinson, the dean of Worcester, honours the highly distinguished ministry of this renowned preacher on the occasion of his retirement.
Defining God: Athanasius, Nicaea and the Trinitarian Controversy of the Fourth Century
Paperback £16.99
A vivid account of the fourth-century dispute surrounding the divine status of Christ and the Holy Spirit. This is the story of that controversy: its protagonists, the involvement of imperial power, its theological twists and turns, and the many creeds and councils of this period.
Politics & Mission: Rediscovering the Political Power of What Christians Do
Paperback £12.99
The Church is political because it tells a radically different story from the dominant political norms of our day. Through a study of the Church’s liturgy, this book seeks to build confidence in the Church’s mission that is not dull or out of touch but fresh, relevant, exciting, and contemporary.
The Well of Life: More Sermons for the Seasons of Faith
Paperback £14.99
A selection of sermons following the structure of the Eucharist as the framework for Christian life, thought and prayer.
iJesus: The Culture of God in a Digital World
Paperback £12.99
iJesus explores the relationship between the culture of God as Trinity in relation to our highly complex digital cultures and reflects on how followers and disciples of Jesus Christ can live in a world shaped by digital communication, connectivity and artificial intelligence.
Morning Prayer in Urumqi: Preparing petitions when praying for the world
Paperback £16.99
An invaluable resource for anyone who regularly prepares prayers for public worship, guiding intercessors around the globe and helping them find the words to pray for the wider world.
Living for Love: The essence of Christianity, and humanity's only hope
Paperback £14.99
In a world in crisis, only people and communities dedicated to love will give us a just and sustainable future. David R. Tomlinson aims to inspire readers to “live for love”.
The End of the Church?: Conversations with the Work of David Jasper
Hardback £30.00
These 14 essays by scholars who have worked with David Jasper in both church and academy develop original discussions of themes emerging from his writings on literature, theology and hermeneutics. The arts, institutions, literature and liturgy are among the subject areas they cover.
Henry Beeching: Professor, Poet, Priest
Hardback £25.00
Henry Beeching (1859–1919), Dean of Norwich, was a popular preacher, celebrated man of letters and journalist. This is the first full-length biography of this popular poet, professor of English, and a much loved priest.
Preaching the Passion: Interpreting the Evangelists
Paperback £14.99
Sermons for Holy Week and Easter, written for a parish congregation, exploring the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection as told by the four Evangelists each with his distinctive perspective and interpretation.
Singing the Lord's Song in a Strange Land: Re-shaping the Church for a Changed World
Paperback £14.99
Drawing on a lifetime of experience in the Church's mission and ministry, John Marsh explores how churches can recover their vision for sharing the gospel following the exile experience of the pandemic.
Waking Up to God: Rediscovering Faith in Post-pandemic Times
Paperback £14.99
Neil Richardson offers a “new look” Christian faith, drawing from the Bible and from Christian tradition, but showing how much we have missed in the Bible, and how much some traditional beliefs have been misunderstood.
Consecrated Celibacy: A Fresh Look at an Ancient Calling
Paperback £14.99
A unique and engaging resource for all who feel drawn to explore a calling to consecrated celibacy and know that life in a traditional religious order is not for them.
Living Culture, Living Christ: On Becoming Fully Human
Paperback £14.99
Alan M. Suggate offers a diagnosis of the root failings of our culture and commends a humanism centred on persons and grounded in an integralist approach to the Christian faith.
Keeping Time: Time, Liturgy and Christian Discipleship
Paperback £16.99
Aimed at clergy and laypeople, Keeping Time gives a fresh account of the liturgical year and how it shapes our lives as Christian disciples.
Where Two Rivers Meet: Russian Windows on the Gospel
Paperback £12.99
A unique exploration of the Christian faith through an encounter with Russian Christianity and culture.
Alfred Hope Patten and the Shrine of our Lady of Walsingham
Paperback £19.99
The definitive history of the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham and its founder Alfred Hope Patten
Peace is a Doing Word: Prayer Patterns for Peacemakers
Paperback £16.99
Peace is a Doing Word, uses poetry, story and prayers to reflect on what practicing peace means in every moment of our daily lives. The book offers insights throughout the course of the day, from ‘waking’ to ‘resting’ and concludes each section with a blessing.