Mission & Ministry Resources
Helpful and informative resources for anyone engaged in Christian mission and ministry, whether lay or ordained. Perfect books for ministers, priests, vicars, readers, teachers, Sunday-school assistants and clergy of all descriptions.
Whether you are Anglican, Methodist, Baptist, Protestant, Roman Catholic or Orthodox, you will find something here to help your ministry. Stimulate your congregation with the Gospel and grow God’s kingdom!
Busking the Gospel: Ordained Ministry in Secular Employment
Paperback £16.99
An in-depth theological reflection on Ministry in Secular Employment, offering practical help to enable such clergy (and the Church generally) to grow in the awareness of the creative scope and potential of this ministry.
Praying for the Earth: Remembering the Environment in our Prayers of Intercession
Paperback £9.99
A resource for congregations and for individual Christians who believe that environmental concerns should be an integral part of the public and private prayers of all Christian people.
Priests in Secular Work: Participating in the “Missio Dei”
Paperback £16.99
A substantial theological exploration of priesthood in secular work and its significance for the future of the Church in the twenty-first century, in which Jenny Gage argues that priests in secular work (PSW) have a specific vocation, which is not to be subsumed under any church-based model of ordained ministry.
Knowing Christ: Christian Discipleship and the Eucharist
Paperback £14.99
The Eucharist is the central act of worship for many Christians. This accessible introduction will deepen the understanding and enrich the experience of all who partake.
Resounding Body: Building Christlike Church Communities through Music
Paperback £12.99
Combining recent theological reflection with practical advice, Andy Thomas describes how, according to St Paul, individuals and communities are transformed into the body of Christ, and how music-making enables this process.
So We Live, Forever Bidding Farewell: Theology & Assisted Dying
Paperback £14.99
A re-evaluation of assisted dying from a theological perspective, relating theological issues to scientific, pastoral and practical concerns about the subject.
God's Tent Pitched Among Us: A New Pattern for Rural Church Mission
Paperback £14.99
How can small rural churches respond with confidence to the opportunities and challenges for mission and ministry? As the Church focuses more and more on growth in urban areas, God’s Tent shows that flourishing exists throughout the Church, and particularly in small and rural contexts.
Following Christ: Sermons for the Christian Year
Paperback £14.99
Well-crafted and inspiring sermons in the Anglo-Catholic tradition that offer food for thought for listeners and preachers alike.
A New Lease of Life?: Anglican Clergy Reflect on Retirement
Paperback £19.99
What does retirement mean for Church of England clergy? Fourteen retired clergy reflect on their experiences in retirement and discuss the challenges and opportunities of this new stage of life.
Keeping Watch for Kingfishers: God Stories
Paperback £14.99
A collection of sermons that explore how we can learn to hear the voice of God in prayer, in the life of Jesus and in the human voice.
Out of the Whirlwind: Innocent Pain as a Challenge to God
Paperback £12.99
How can a merciful God can allow suffering and evil? A challenging and thoughtful reflection inspired by the book of Job.
Dear Nicholas...: A Father's Letter to His Newly Ordained Son
Paperback £9.99
A letter from a bishop to his newly-ordained son, revised for today's audience and with an epilogue by the original recipient (who is now Dean of Chelmsford) reflecting on ministry today.
Into the Depths: A Chaplain's Reflections on Death, Dying and Pastoral Care
Paperback £14.99
Drawing on her experience of chaplaincy in prison, hospice and university contexts, Rosie Deedes reflects on the nature of good pastoral care and chaplaincy as a model of ministry for our time.
The Diaconate in Ecumenical Perspective: Ecclesiology, Liturgy and Practice
Paperback £19.99
A discussion of the historical development of the order of deacons, its theological basis in the Western and Eastern Churches, and the relevance and significance of the diaconate for the Church in the twenty-first century.
The Beginning of Tomorrow: Call to the North – Churches Working Together in Mission
Paperback £16.99
A unique account of a little-known yet momentous effort to join forces in proclaiming the gospel in a society shaped by increasing decline in church attendance and major social challenges.
Growing Up into the Children of God: Exploring the Paradoxes of Christian Maturity
Paperback £14.99
David Newman reflects on what it means for Christians to grow to be mature members of the body of Christ, with faith in a God who acts and themselves actively engaged in the church and the world.
Leading a Church to Maturity in Love: A Theological and Practical Guide to Church Leadership
Paperback £14.99
Church leaders frequently encounter tensions and conflict, especially when facing change. Building on extensive experience of leading churches at times of change, David Robert Tomlinson shows how through critical theological reflection and modelling good practice church leaders can facilitate church life that is grounded and transformed by the love of God.
Kingdom Come: Essential theology for the twenty-first century
Paperback £12.99
Kingdom Come makes essential theological topics relevant and readable without diluting the Gospel message. Essential reading for anyone in church leadership.
With God we live without God: Reflections and prayers inspired by the writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer
Paperback £9.99
30 reflections and prayers that draw inspiration from the theological challenges, thought-provoking statements, and new intellectual constructs that defined Dietrich Bonhoeffer’s own reflections.
Alternative Collects: Prayers to a Disruptive & Compassionate God
Paperback £12.99
These radical prayers break the mould of the “collect” prayers that are so familiar to millions of Christians worldwide. They are the result of the author’s struggle with the blandness and predictability of so many of the church’s traditional prayers. Useful for both personal and liturgical devotion, these prayers will both challenge and nourish.
The Paradise Tree: Personal Prayer through Poetry
Paperback £12.99
A beautiful devotional companion about the experience of God and giving expression to our inner spirituality. Creatively mixing poetry, prose and scripture, this book will challenge preconceptions about the nature of God, heaven, hell, intercessory prayer, and the relevance of human existence within the vastness of an unfathomable universe.
Mission From Below: Growing a Kingdom Community
Paperback £16.99
A radical and controversial challenge to the top-down leadership models that are so widespread in the church, instead making the case for a new model of people-driven servant leadership, guided by the Holy Spirit towards kingdom growth rather than church growth.
Living Prayer: Learning to Pray in Daily Life
Paperback £9.99
A gentle introduction to praying in our daily lives. This little companion helps anyone struggling with their prayer life to overcome what can seem like formidable challenges of praying regularly.
Animating Liturgy: The Dynamics of Worship and the Human Community
Paperback £16.99
Animating Liturgy invites you to consider the liturgical offering which stands at the heart of the Christian faith.