Church of England and Anglican
More than Nine Lessons and Carols: A Life of Eric Milner-White, 1884–1963
Hardback (full colour)
A biographical study of Eric Milner-White DSO 1884‒1963, Dean of King’s College, Cambridge 1918‒41 and Dean of York 1941‒63, Anglo-Catholic churchman, collector, restorer and aesthete.
Coming Soon
Mother of Invention: Mother Teresa and the Franciscan Servants of Jesus
Hardback £25.00
The story of an impoverished and illegitimate woman who founded her own unconventional but successful religious community based on pacifism, social justice and a respect for the environment.
Reverence: A priest's life of holiness and humanity
Paperback £14.99
A beautifully written memoir on the life of a contemporary (female) priest. The books brims with exquisite stories of holiness and humanity from the author’s past and present contexts.
Preaching for the Planet: Sermons on Creation and Climate
Paperback £14.99
Sermons preached by Jenny Wilson, Canon Precentor of St Peter’s Cathedral in Adelaide. The introductory chapter explores ideas about preaching with a particular focus on preaching for the planet at this time of climate crisis.
All Christians Are Monks: The Monastery, the Parish and the Renewal of the Church
Paperback £14.99
A lively and challenging exploration of things the contemporary Church needs to learn from monastic communities, things it has lost and needs to rediscover.
Archdeacon Grantly Walks Again: Trollope’s Clergy Then and Now
Paperback £12.99
Alongside twelve verbal snapshots of Anthony Trollope’s Archdeacon Grantly and his fellow Barchester clergy, this book places twelve equally fictious modern counterparts. Human nature never changes. A fascinating and gripping read.
The Missionary of Knowledge: Hastings Rashdall’s Life and Thoughts
Paperback £16.99
An accessible introduction to the life and thought of Hastings Rashdall, one of the most prominent figures in the Church of England of his day, this book makes the case for his continuing influence and relevance.
Go . . . Make Disciples
Paperback £14.99
A book for all who want to respond to Jesus’ challenge to “Go and make disciples”.
Good God: Suffering, faith, reason and science
Paperback £16.99
How can Christians believe in an all-powerful and loving God when there is so much suffering and evil in the world? This book sets out to answer this question.
India and the End of Empire: Selected Writings of Daniel O’Connor
Paperback £19.99
This collection of the writings of Daniel O’Connor, edited and introduced by David Jasper, is a treasure trove for all interested in the Church in India in the twentieth century.
Edward Vernon-Harcourt: The Last Aristocratic Archbishop of York
The first-ever biography of Edward Vernon Harcourt, Archbishop of York from 1807 to 1847, and the last aristocrat to occupy the office.
Hidden in Plain Sight: Unearthing and Earthing the Psalms
Paperback £12.99
The Psalms are songs of defiance against the odds in which the voice of ordinary worshippers can be heard. This book listens to that voice and relates the Psalms contemporary experience.
Mamerto Gueritz: A Country Catholic 1823–1912
Hardback £30.00
The life of Mamerto Gueritz, an Anglo-Catholic priest in the West Country during the ritualist controversy in the late 19th century.
Anglo-Catholic Church Planting: Can it work?
Paperback £16.99
A comparison of contemporary church planting in the Anglo-Catholic tradition with how Victorian Anglo-Catholics started new churches.
Gospel of the Trinity: Exploring the Gospel of John
Paperback £12.99
A short accessible guide to the Gospel of John for individuals and groups. This last in a series of four books identifies the fourth Gospel as the Gospel of the Trinity and helps readers explore the unique characteristics of St John.
Love Answering Love: Praying through the Bible
Paperback £12.99
A helpful summary of the Bible's teaching on how we should pray, exploring the practice of prayer with freshness and originality, and shedding new light on both familiar and less-well-known biblical texts.
A Way of Putting It: Sermons of Peter Atkinson
Paperback £14.99
This collection of sermons by Peter Atkinson, the dean of Worcester, honours the highly distinguished ministry of this renowned preacher on the occasion of his retirement.
Politics & Mission: Rediscovering the Political Power of What Christians Do
Paperback £12.99
The Church is political because it tells a radically different story from the dominant political norms of our day. Through a study of the Church’s liturgy, this book seeks to build confidence in the Church’s mission that is not dull or out of touch but fresh, relevant, exciting, and contemporary.
The Well of Life: More Sermons for the Seasons of Faith
Paperback £14.99
A selection of sermons following the structure of the Eucharist as the framework for Christian life, thought and prayer.
Living for Love: The essence of Christianity, and humanity's only hope
Paperback £14.99
In a world in crisis, only people and communities dedicated to love will give us a just and sustainable future. David R. Tomlinson aims to inspire readers to “live for love”.
The End of the Church?: Conversations with the Work of David Jasper
Hardback £30.00
These 14 essays by scholars who have worked with David Jasper in both church and academy develop original discussions of themes emerging from his writings on literature, theology and hermeneutics. The arts, institutions, literature and liturgy are among the subject areas they cover.
Henry Beeching: Professor, Poet, Priest
Hardback £25.00
Henry Beeching (1859–1919), Dean of Norwich, was a popular preacher, celebrated man of letters and journalist. This is the first full-length biography of this popular poet, professor of English, and a much loved priest.
Preaching the Passion: Interpreting the Evangelists
Paperback £14.99
Sermons for Holy Week and Easter, written for a parish congregation, exploring the events of Jesus’ death and resurrection as told by the four Evangelists each with his distinctive perspective and interpretation.
Keeping Time: Time, Liturgy and Christian Discipleship
Paperback £16.99
Aimed at clergy and laypeople, Keeping Time gives a fresh account of the liturgical year and how it shapes our lives as Christian disciples.